Writer's Block Fanfare.pdfHere's another one for y'all.
I wrote this one earlier this year, while I was getting my bearings with composing again. I started with Brass Quintets and other small ensembles, just to get the hang of it, and because c'mon.. Who doesn't like a brass quintet?!
As the name implies, I ran out of ideas much earlier than I wanted to. The music on the page was demanding to be what it wanted to be, so, I caved in and just slapped in a resolution to what was already there, and this was the results. Let me know what you guys think 🙂
@PeterthePapercomPoser I fixed the issue with that triplet! Turns out the last muse update fixed whatever was wrong there, because I would've expected the program to flag the score as "corrupt" whenever this was an issue, given that technically, with the eighth triplets, the measure only had 3 beats in 4/4 time... but eh. it's resolved, now!
WB Fanfare.mp3