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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/01/2024 in all areas

  1. I haven't posted anything new in ages: I've been busy with school work, so I haven't had as much time to dedicate to composing as before. That being said, that doesn't mean I haven't composed at all. I finished this piece just yesterday, and I felt like sharing it with everyone here. Let me know what you think! 😃
    1 point
  2. It's been a few months since i uploaded this prelude, and it finally has a fugue. Not much to say here, other than that I felt like using a few more fourths, sevenths, and ninths than you'd normally see in a three part fugue.
    1 point
  3. Sonata in F sharp minor 11_30__2024.pdf
    1 point
  4. Hey there, @Aw Ke Shen! Thank you for giving us this new work. Congratulations on publishing your first work, by the way! I'm sure it is an exhilarating thing (speaking as somebody who has never published anything before 😅). Speaking as somebody playing Rachmaninoff's prelude for an upcoming recital, I have to say it is... well, a little reminiscent, to say the least. I would have to agree with what @PeterthePapercomPoser said: it feels like your work borrows too heavily from Rachmaninoff's, while simultaneously offering only a handful of its own memorable musical moments. Just on a whim, I gave your other works a listen, and they seem to have a more developed and interesting harmonic characteristic that I feel is much more 'you', in a way. Because you were trying to 'thread' that proverbial needle, all of those little 'you' moments were swept away in this piece. That being said, I don't want to be a complete downer: it's an interesting work overall, and you took it differently in the B section and the repeated A section. That change to the original music was a breath of fresh air, and I didn't mind listening to it. But then again, we're just the critics: you shouldn't feel too bad about constructive feedback! It's always good to learn from your mistakes. Thank you for sharing anyway! It was worth my time listening to your work 😊
    1 point
  5. @Awsumerguy and oh my, same here, I have been busy with school and only have time to catch up on composing now! hahah!
    1 point
  6. I like the build-up. I find the rhythm being somewhat unpredictable and a bit " jarring as acceptable here, as representations of underlying emotional currents surfacing. Though I do agree with @Rich that w regard to the lh bass there can be more complex harmony and harmonic progressions, I would even suggest some rhythmic variations. Those parts with dramatic potential can be tapped on to provide contrasts to parts which sounds best when kept simple. These said, I enjoyed your piece. Thanks for posting!
    1 point
  7. I think the smaller the ensemble the more challenging it is to create a homogeneous sound, especially with winds. In a regular concert band I'd imagine that (I haven't actually written anything for concert band mind you) what would facilitate a fuller ensemble sound is having multiple instruments per part, and multiple parts per section of the ensemble (Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Clarinet 3, Bass Clarinet). Without either of those you have to write knowing the blending capabilities of the different instruments that are doubling each other. I mention Clarinets because I consider them to be the mid-range all-purpose blending instruments in the ensemble, although the Saxophones can also do this, albeit they're a bit brighter. You might get away with using the one Clarinet you've got with the Saxophones to do this, especially since you've got a couple of different kinds of Saxophone which can cover a wider range. It's also important to know the skill of the players in each section. Are the 3 Flute players that you have skilled enough to be able to stand alone on a part? If so, you might be able to get away with writing 3 different Flute parts for more variety in how the piece of music you're writing is arranged both in color and function of the instruments in the music. If the Flute players are at a beginners level then I'd advise to only write one Flute part. That's about as much as I can say on the matter. Thanks for asking!
    1 point
  8. Hello there! Think of this track a journey through space gone wrong. Let me know what you think!
    1 point
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