Oooh, I'd love to see that Sextet!
I appreciate the time you took to review this piece, and am elated to hear the detailed feedback on my overall construction of the score. It was definitely something of a "love child" of mine. I attempted to portray my personal emotional journey that I had the misfortune to experience a few years ago, of which, I am still coming out of. I'm glad to have been able to translate it onto the pages, in this one. The kindness, and the correction with my use of accidentals, is appreciated.
Though, if you haven't already noticed, I have a hard time with comprehension when it comes to what accidentals would be "correct" to use with the context of the mode...
However, to play it safe, I've always tried to avoid the double flat & double sharp, because of my time as a musician, regardless of the mode / key signature of any piece I performed, I rarely ever encountered the double flat or double sharp accidental during sight-reading or rehearsal/performance of repertoire. But I'm okay with being corrected on it, since I don't have that training to really 100% comprehend the difference in using double sharp / natural / double flat / flat... I've always figured since, for example, G Natural and F Double Sharp are in-harmonic notes, that it wouldn't matter, in terms of how the piece would be played, ultimately.
If you're alright with it, I'd love a lesson in lame-man's terms on how to correctly use accidentals in a given mode 🙂