As always seems to be the case with your music, I absolutely love it. And your compositional abilities as well as expression blow me away. 😁
That being said, I have two issues with composition itself.
Although the 2nd refrain's "bell-like" texture is quite beautiful, it does obscure the melody a bit, especially bars 71-72. I feel just the top note of the octaves would achieve the same effect without obscuring the melody.
I'm sorry for saying this, but I think the transition to the final return of the refrain is a tad too long. When I listened the first time, I was getting kind of impatient 😬
I have other issues, but they're just related to the engraving. For example, there are many points throughout the score where slurs collide with accidentals, articulations, other slurs, and sometime the notehead itself! Now of course, we're composers, not engravers. But if we make our own scores, it's my opinion that effort should be put in to make them beautiful and well-polished.
Regardless, it's a very beautiful work. I look forward to the concluding movement(s)!