Have listened to the whole work now.
The 2nd movement makes great use of percussion, with splashes of colour from different parts of the orchestra.
Loved the sorrowful melody on the oboe where it first appears in the 3rd movement.
The build up of intensity after Bar 66 is really interesting, then it coalesces into an unexpectedly happy resolution.
N.B. I'm told the triangular fermata is not generally used in professional scores. Better to use a regular fermata, with short written above.
Also when you have a fermata, it should be indicated across every part in the score, including those not playing.
Nice use of fp effects in the strings during the 4th movement.
Liked the offbeat staccato notes in the celli.
Great change of texture where you have the solitary flutes.
At bar 78, the 1/2 time signature looks rather odd. May be better to use 2/4 instead, so the conductor keeps beating at the same rate.
Bar 22 should have a full bar rest in the timpani.
Bar 145 has some double minim rests, where they really should be full bar rests.
Nice rhythmic variation in the 5th movement, combined with unexpected harmonic progressions.
I like how you've given everyone something interesting to play here.
The mournful ending is evocative and delicate.
Overall fluent use of orchestral textures and colours, with effective build up and release of tension.
You seem to have mastered all the tricks on how to make MuseScore sound realistic.
Are you using the standard MuseSounds libraries?
Do you expect a real orchestra to play this at some stage?