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  1. Little bittersweet song in E major (I'm not exaggerating) (text in French subtitled)
    1 point
  2. Such a masterpiece, Henry! I definitely savored the beautiful harmonies in the chant section, and the fugato passages, as I'm a bit of a counterpoint buff. At first I was worried about the coherence of the movement as a whole, but I can tell that you put in a lot of hard work in to develop existing material in a convincing way. I also like the accumulation of historical techniques from organum to fugue to more dissonant (quartal?) harmony, spanning and summing up many centuries of music history. All my compliments, and know that I sincerely admire your work!
    1 point
  3. Hello Young Composers, I have finished a project of 4 string quartets, with the goal of getting 4 distinct textures and vibes, 2 slow and 2 fast. 1. Is a broad but brisk quartal and quintal harmonic piece. For nearly the whole piece, it avoids thirds and 6ths, and uses many 4ths, 5ths, and 9ths. 2. is the slowest of the four, and uses double stops for most of the piece, creating a thicker texture. 3. is the fastest of the four, with an emphasis on syncopation and skedaddling melodies. 4. is best described as fight between quartal and triatic harmony Hopefully you enjoy the varied of textures I'm offering. As always I am very open to feedback and criticism, because how else will I get better?
    1 point
  4. It's probably not exactly what you're looking for with "Microtonality" in the strictest sense, but there are some rock songs that are 1/4 step down. This is probably the result of tape speed and not actually intentional, though. As I recall some of Danger Danger and I think Pantera's albums have this going on.
    1 point
  5. This Intermezzo is intended to be the first of four little piano pieces I intend to finish. I write this as relaxation piece after finishing the very heavy String Sextet which would be published in the near future. For me this piece contains some beauty and I hope to maintain simplicity in all four pieces. Here is the score and YouTube video: (Final) Intermezzo in A.pdf The recording is played by myself and recorded in a rush since it’s completely unplanned to record this one this quick haha. Feel free to comment on this one! Hope you enjoy! Henry
    1 point
  6. First, piano: played Fantasie-Impromptu at 8, can somewhat play chopin etudes, Hammerklavier, Heroic polonaise, and the such. Second, cello: Moved around a lot with long periods of time between having lessons weekly. Can play Moses on G (on A) 24 caprice, Dvorak cello concerto. Third, most of the mallets: in middle school band, then homeschooled so haven't picked back up. Can't do 4 mallets. Fourth, clarinet: picked up because we had some spare woodwinds laying around. no teacher so not sure what level of playing.
    1 point
  7. Hello everyone again, Today I bring forward my first choral piece that I've been proud of *in years*. It has been a very inspired piece written over the course of today (I skipped my Italian Class for this, Mi spiace!). Anyways about this piece. I've been wanting to write a choral piece for a while now, and I had recently felt inspired, so I've been scouring here-and-there for poems. And although I had read dozens of poems that moved me and made me want to write a piece; I struggled to connect the words and music. So I decided to write my own, and I figured the most convincing writing I could do, would be for my partner. So this whole piece is written directly to my love. The main overarching theme is; I could never overstate my affection, because words could never say everything I felt. So I use music to do so. The song begins with very classic American clichés. "you are the apple of my eye. the wonder of my daily life. my shining star" Exaggerated and cheesy language, which is how I talk with my partner. There are slow, fast, loud and quiet "I love yous" because I find myself saying it differently and meaning it the same way all the time. Then we get to the crux of the piece "I love you more than words could ever express. But I'll try". Even though just saying 'i love you' does not say it all, it gets me that much closer, and proclaiming love many times gets me closer to that unreachable goal. And then we loop around and say things again. This piece is in ABACA form and for the C section I decided to not use any words. I hope you enjoy, and please give me feedback to improve this piece, if there is anything (even if you can't figure out what it is) let me know and I'll take your feedback. This would be a good piece for my choir to perform, I just want to make sure I didn't miss anything important.
    1 point
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