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About hopper

  • Birthday April 21

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    Software Developer

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  1. This isn't really an "issue" so much of an annoyance or a suggestion, but I'm not sure where else to put it... Basically, I've had a really hard time finding the username/profile link of the composer on composition detail pages (this one, for instance). At first, I thought it wasn't there at all, but after scanning the page for a couple minutes, I finally found it: all the way at the bottom of the page. The reason, of course, is that the "We also suggest..." section takes up a TON of room. I'd like to see the "Submitter" and "File Information" moved above the suggestions, to make the information easier to find at a glance. Just a thought.
  2. Your description made me think of a Hang Drum, which is a very cool instrument, but it's clearly not what's in the video. :P So I've got nothing, sorry.
  3. When searching from the main search bar on the homepage (i.e. the one that points to http://www.youngcomposers.com/mod/directory/search.php), all the result links are missing an initial slash between youngcomposers.com and profile. For example: http://www.youngcomposers.comprofile/music/deathraider/composition?entry=30965 Should actually be: http://www.youngcomposers.com/profile/music/deathraider/composition?entry=30965
  4. I've never come across his Symphony No. 1 in a film - which one did you hear it in?
  5. The blue triangles are a known issue with Finale 2007 and earlier - you can read about that problem in the Finale knowledge base here. If you have Finale 2007 (and not an earlier version), there's a free update you can apply that should fix things.
  6. The marking "a2" is used to indicate that both players should play the part together, in unison. Here's the requisite Wikipedia article.
  7. hopper


    Just a quick note: according to the site, it's actually called "Soundation", not "Soundnation". (No hard feelings, Marius, just figured I'd point it out!) I doubt I'll have much need to use it personally, but speaking from a computer science perspective, the technology looks very cool and quite well done.
  8. I'd say music is only as good as its weakest component: a good piece played poorly will end up sounding bad, and a bad piece played well will still sound just as bad. And in ensembles too, one bad member can destroy the performance, even if the composition and all the other performers are amazing. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
  9. Well, I'd recommend Clausen's "A New Creation". "Set Me as a Seal" is undoubtedly the most popular of the movements, but some of the other ones are quite good too.
  10. Pssst.... He's a man.
  11. Did you try showing your disabled devices? For me, anyway, the stereo mix was originally disabled, so it didn't show up in the selection box. But if you go to the recording devices box and right-click in it, there's an option that says "Show Disabled Devices". Once I did that, I was able to right-click on the stereo mix device and enable it, and everything worked fine.
  12. How's this for anti-aliasing, Mike?
  13. Anything by P. D. Q. Bach... :whistling:
  14. I have to agree - it's truly breathtaking. Thanks for the treat! :)
  15. That's really pretty. I like the way the piece "breathes". But there are a couple notational things that bug me: First, slurs should always go to the last note in a tied group. For example, in measures 11-14 in the 3rd Trumpet part, the slurs should go all the way to the eighth note. Qccowboy has a nice picture showing this (QC - if you want the link removed, just ask or do it yourself ;)): The other thing is your spelling of the final chord... You have a B as the root, but some of the other notes are spelled like they're a part of a Cb major chord. Even though they sound identical, I think you should spell them all the same way, for consistency.
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