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Danny Cass

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About Danny Cass

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  • Biography
    Im A Christian From A Family Of Eight
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  • Occupation
    Work, Small Budget Film Composer...
  • Interests
    Bible, Composing, Impressions...

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  1. Hey, thanks for the comment, it's been a little whle since I posted this, I would have thanked you sooner, however I figured my piece got lost in the crowd. :P The sweepy melody thing was really what I was going for, unfortunately the timpani roll didn't turn out as good as it might have, It's hard to bring the right instruments out sometimes, even with the better Sample Orchestras... ...Anyway it's great to get some feedback... Thanks again!
  2. Although not actually composed for a film, I had film music on my mind when I wrote it... It's a short theme, inspired by the mythical land of Middle Earth if you will... Eriador... SoundClick artist: Dan Wesley - Film Music Composer...
  3. Thanks for commenting Nigel, some good thoughts in there... I guess I pretty much forgot about dynamics, but when I did this it was more to try out some new instruments in Garritan (The repetitive tamborine being one of them =) I'm glad some parts didn't sound too bad though... P.S. I've actually never seen this Zorro either, just downloaded this clip free from the internet, felt like scoring somthing I guess. :w00t:
  4. Ya, I would first like to clarify that this isn't really a serious piece for me :toothygrin:, hence is why this 4 minute clip I scored from an old Zorro movie is more like a music video rather than a soundtrack... At any rate I thought it would be fun to see if I could catch that particular style, or sound that Zorro creates. It's rather repetative which probably sticks out more in a silent film since there's no words to destract the viewer, anyhow, let me know if you think I captured the "sound". :P
  5. Sorry, should have looked closer...:blush: Anyway it's still a cool piece! You use the orchestra well. ...Sorry for posting this twice...Still not good at this forum stuff.
  6. Thanks for the comments guys, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I would probably say that so far my general style of composition (Orchestration included) is very, traditional... However this may change as I hear things differently, I definitely want to be trying new things all the time, but nothing that I wouldn't feel comfortable writing...I have nothing against the more contemporary style of composition per say, but until it sounds right to me, I'll keep within the boundaries I personally enjoy. Thanks again!
  7. Good job on this one. I've always liked the tune of this hymn, you do a good job varying it up with the different things you do. (Going into minor ect...) A few parts sound more like the hymn with a modern twist and you mess with the rhythms a bit in parts but it makes for an interesting listen. Thumbs up! :thumbsup:
  8. This piece is put together really well... The way you mix the sounds makes the orchestra sound extremely realistic. And of course the dark texture of the music is very effective! Good Job. :thumbsup: What type of samples do you use?
  9. Thanks for taking the time to comment Michael! Having listened to some of your own music posted, I must admit you sound much more like a professional composer than myself, The quality and sheer amount of music you have written is really quite impressive, so of course, I find your comment on my music very encouraging. Thanks again. I do use GPO btw...
  10. This is my largest orchestral piece to date, which isn't all that large, however I've been trying a few new things so please give it a listen and tell me what you think. It is a more minor sounding piece than most of my previous. I would classify this piece as only for my hardcore fans! :P SoundClick artist: Dan Wesley - Film Music Composer... Edit: Below I have posted the score in PDF format. Since I wrote this particular piece by ear I took some liberties with what an instrument can and cannot do for the sake of the sound, This is something I would correct if a real orchestra were to play it, however for the most part I think it is playable. I hope I'm not too late in posting this. Thanks for listening! Symphony De Temas.pdf
  11. Very well done, You make it all sound so natural, like it was all supposed to be there. And of course everybody loves this minor sound. Piano can be such a beautiful instrument if you know use it right.
  12. I added the piano as a last minute thing, it was kind of a nod to his Jurassic Park score. (This includes the ending) The other thing I did, which was a first, was write the theme out on the piano and then orchestrate it in Finale (Usually I write everything on Finale) This was because I know Williams write by hand with piano, which I think is pretty cool. Thanks. I agree the piano was a bit long at the beginning, I guess I was thinking the theme was hard to follow and had to play it out more. I wish I could make my themes play out as smoothly a John Williams theme. As for plagiarism, I think there is a lot of film composers who plagiarize more often and obviously than Williams does. And I also think that the longer music exists the more this will become. it's kind of like more and more films these days are remakes, whether their supposed to be or not. Thanks for all the comments guys!
  13. Ya, I was going for a mixture of sounds in this piano piece, however I still don't feel very comfortable writing for it. but I'm glad you liked it. Melody will, I think, always be something to work on. Thanks for the comment Nigel!
  14. I thought I might have been going a bit overboard. However these are things to remember for next time. Ya, I'm a bit of an off and on composer, due to time constraints. However I do enjoy it a lot, and hope to keep it up. Thanks Ron, I'm glad you liked it. And thank you both for the comments! :thumbsup:
  15. Now Technically Pickle Piano, a piece i posted ages ago, was my first piano piece. So I'll call this my first "Official" piano piece, since I never gave much thought to my previous one. =) This was written last year, but never really critiqued before. SoundClick artist: Dan Wesley - Film Music Composer...
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