Hey ChrisisD,
Here's a feedback on "Everlasting":
It seemed to me that you were, at first, mostly concerned in building up a kind of mysterious atmosphere for the very beginning of the piece. You did make it, though I'd have liked to hear some more variations of that theme instead of just a repetition of the same chords and melodies over and over again.
I've got to admit that I was on the verge of boredom when you took me by surprise with the E/G/A chord progression at the middle section. That was a very good choice, I loved it! Furthermore, the change in the rhythmic patterns also contributed to turn the mood of the piece upside down. At this point I could have perfectly imagined it as background music to a TV documentary, for instance.
If I were to give you any advice on how to improve it - and here, what I call improvement is actually just my humble opinion - I'd say you should add some sophistication in part one (for instance, the strings sound a bit harsh, and the piano could have been played in a subtler way) and let the piece end in the second part, that means, don't go back to part one - it brings the listener down somehow, I don't know...
Well, that's it. Congratulations on your work! Keep writing new stuff and improving old stuff as well!