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About retron

  • Birthday 07/27/1987

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    phil like woah
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    Carbondale, IL

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  1. We recently performed this piece at my school, and it is fantastic. The emotional depth and turmoil is outstanding. Here's a little about the piece [source]:
  2. Hey there, I just finished listening to the four pieces, nice job overall! I really like the theme you have come up with and developed in the first two pieces, very mature, somber when it needs to be, and very effective. I thought the references in the third piece were a little odd... but I can't figure out why. I did think that the cymbal crash almost seems overused to the point where it loses the effect it could have in the Mozart section. Maybe consider adding a chime/tubular bell in its place at some moments, timpani may also help to. I like the battle track, especially the build at the beginning, and the climactic section following. On first listening, I liked the introduction/inclusion of the main theme at approx. 1:10, but it almost seemed to lessen the effect of the major arrival at the theme at approx. 2:14, i wouldn't take it out though. I think you could make 2:14 more dramatic, and therefore more effective by making the crescendo before it more intense, so the subito piano has more dramatic effect and punch. I say what I do as constructive criticism, what I would do to improve things, but it is your work, so do what you want with it. You obviously know what you're doing as I like what you have going on so far, and I'd like to hear more if possible. There were several moments that made me think of some of my favorite soundtracks, possibly some soundtracks you may be interested in hearing. Keep up the good work! What samples/software do you use to compose/record? I like your sound.
  3. This piece is a nearly complete WIP, based on the Irish Blessing read at my grandfather's funeral in December. Here's a copy of the text: It is composed for a small choir (2-3 singers per part minimum, depending on the part, as there are several divided sections), and percussion. The choir part is virtually finished, but the percussion part is lacking in some sections due to creative/technical difficulties. Because the text is of personal meaning, emotions expressed by the harmonies & music have personal roots as well. The piece mirrors my initials the initial reaction to his death, my inner turmoil, and eventual closure. While some pieces regarding the grieving process are long and drawn out, this piece is purposefully not so, as his death was not really a suprise. Therefore I was able to say goodbye and proceed to accept his death sooner than otherwise. Anyway, I'm done talking up a storm, and will let the music do the speaking. I have no recording of this yet, so I have included a score in PDF, a midi file, and a Finale '07 file. I apologize for the state of the score/finale file, as I have not yet fully finished the piece, the score is a mite bit sloppy, but that will be fixed. Enjoy and comment please! May the Road v2.mid May the Road v2.pdf May the Road v2.mus
  4. retron


    I'm back after a long absence... not that many people missed me. Anyway, this piece is an electronic, three-movement piece written as an experiment, but it turned out pretty well, it was even played in the composers recital during the new music festival at my university. lo-fi URL: Start Player hi-fi URL: Start Player
  5. This peice is for a Brass and Percussion Ensemble, rather than talk about loads, I'm just going to link it and let it speak for itself. Start Player Please Comment & Critique!
  6. Now that you mentioned it, I understand why you did it the way you have, and it is good to see that you do know the capabilities of your ensemble, however limited they may be. Good luck!
  7. Its a good arrangement to start, but its very long and doesn't have much variation in it. I'd suggest a key change for sure, and maybe develop your own creative twist on the melody to throw in there at some point. The piece not only gets repetitive for the listener, but also for the players, which means a general decline in energy as you go through the arrangement. It's your arrangement, feel free to get creative and really make it your own. A creative, one of a kind arrangement is fun to make, and even more fun to play, especially if you know that you are the only ensemble playing it.
  8. I like your orchestration and blending. The theme made me instantly think of Pirates though...
  9. I like it, but I think you need to add more variation as you develop the theme, especially in the percussion, as it always seems to be doing the same thing. I also like the section at 3:45, but I think you might be able to make it a little longer.
  10. Its a good time, need to work harder though. Who do you know here? I may know 'em.
  11. Honestly, I think you may have a problem going into any program that stubborn about your performance. Granted, some schools require less than others, but I have a feeling that you will have to at least learn classical guitar. I'm no guitar player, but an attitude like that may cause a good school to turn you away. I'm not trying to sound conceited or anything, because I suck at my instrument, I'm just letting you know that often performance teachers expect more of you than you think they may initially. You may end up having to do something you don't want to. That being said, I'm a terrible trumpet player, but performance isn't the main emphasis of the program at my school, but is still important. The school I attend requires 3 (or more) years of lessons in Comp and your primary instrument to recieve you bachelor of music degree. I say 3 or more because you must advance to 340 or Junior level lessons, I currently sit at the 040 (remedial, below college freshman) level, which means I need 4 years of lessons to reach the 340 level and graduate. All that being said, it is my understanding that admission to our school of music is nearly guaranteed, unless you 1) play the kazoo or 2) just started playing your instrument yesterday. There is an audition, but I think it is merely for placement and/or scholarships. I don't know where you are coming from, or what you are looking at as far as cost, but if you want anymore information I can get you some. I attend Southern Illinois University, in Carbondale, IL. I take lessons with Frank Stemper. He's been a great teacher so far.
  12. I really like your blending of traditional italian with jazz. I'd love to hear more of this, and maybe perform it. Its very innovative, and shows that you have a lot of potential.
  13. I love how people say its unfair to others when none of you go out on a limb to look at new music as it is and instead come here to point out what we already know. His music is fake, bogus, and a waste. Now stop giving him attention and maybe he'll quit. Every second you waste on his threads is time that you could have spent listening to someone who actually does put time and effort into their original music.
  14. Thanks! Odd that it would have changed on me, but problem solved nonetheless.
  15. I would have posted this in the Wiki forum, but thought it should go here as it concerns the front page as well. When i view anything not on the forums or chat, the style is completely screwed. I'll post a screen cap for clarity's sake. I thought this may have just been my computer, but I proved that incorrect when I came home fro spring break and had the same problem on both computers here... Here's what I see:
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