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Sepharite (Old)

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About Sepharite (Old)

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  1. I don't know what I was thinking... but how is it so far? >.> Pissed_Clowns.MID
  2. Haven't composed in a while and this is my start-up. Anyways, I need a lot of work on the harmony and I'm trying to strengthen my counter-point. Any comment/suggestions are welcome. =) Emotions.MID
  3. What are some progressions to get me started? Preferably something complex (avoid I-V etc..)
  4. I'll just comment really fast and say that the violin does not go well together with the piano. Try a more harmonic relationship rather than forcing the listener to figure out the melody. I mean, try to make the violin go with the chord progression of the piano's. I'll edit the first few bars to show you what I mean. =)
  5. Listen to 7 hours straight of Prokofiev Piano Concertos and you can feel Prokofiev's wackiness rushing though your veins XD
  6. It's not as easy as it sounds. =/ Want to try to complete a few bars for me? Yes, I'm that lazy and uninspired. =) And Admin/Mod, can you please change the title of my Thread to something like "Seph's Compositions" or something. Thanks! I'll post the MUS file once the Global Space is increased. Prokoly.MUS
  7. Yeah, that's still alright. Thanks for not completely removing it =) Btw, I get this: The total filespace required to upload all the attached files is greater than your per post or global limit. Please reduce the number of attachments or the size of the attachments. And my file is 76KB =/ edit: I have 0 Global Space..... how do I get some? =/
  8. Hey Adam! =P The intro is very nice, I like it. Though once all the intruments come in, it kinda sounds mushy. Also, it's hard to figure out the important instrument -- the one playing the melody since all of them are playing different style of melodies. Just clean it up a bit and it'll be great! Keep it up!
  9. lol, Adam... no one is saying you're wrong. XD
  10. Yup, he's my cousin >_<;; And I prefer piano cause I play it <_<;; I just love the sound of the piano XD Anyways, when you get it done, please post it. I'd love to hear it =) And I'm sure Achan would love to comment on the melody again =/
  11. Yeah... Achan's a disgrace to my family =/ Anyways, do you have any more pieces you;d like to share? Preferably piano.
  12. Don't worry about Achan, he says the exact same thing to everyone. =/
  13. Wow, only 13? Not bad. This is a much cleaner version. And you took out the TMNT chords... why did you do that!? I didn't say I hated them! :D Just kidding, nice work. Keep it up =)
  14. Some of the bass chords don't follow throught together and it does get quite confusing which direction you are trying to go. But generally, you have a good sense in melody in this piece. The rhythm is pretty nice.... the harmony just needs a bit of work. Also, I don't think you need the last C note, imo. Keep it up!
  15. You're the first female composers, I've seen on a forum. Assuming you aren't a 50 year old pedophile... o-O;; Anyways, I listened to your little piece and it's very relaxing. But if you're trying to emphasize a melody, don't make the other flute overlap the melodic one.... since the higher frequency note usually stands out more. Also, near the ending (third last bar), you use 4ths going down the scale. It sounds too teenage-mutant ninja turtlish =P Other than that, it's very peaceful. Not too melodic and distracted. Very serene piece.
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