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The Music Man

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About The Music Man

  • Birthday 11/09/1991

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  • Location
    New Zealand
  • Occupation
    Person who goes to school
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  1. I am attempting to make a song on piano where the left hand is much quieter and just plays chords, but it is louder than the right hand so you can't hear the melody, does anyone know how to adjust the volume on different staves in finale 2007? This is for piano, and loudness adjusters on the left in studio mode don't work.:(
  2. I like the start, it is sad, the prelude part is nice and simple, proffessional sound. The quietness goes on for a bit too long in my opinion, I think there should be some action, not necessarely a hard bit, earlier. I like the bit at 4mins though. Quite repetitive though, also I like the bit at 5.15. A pleasant song over all, I like it :-D, but some action, or louder part with thinker chords would have gone well in the middle. Good work!!
  3. I like the mix between tonal and Atonal. Also there is a quite nice melody in it aswell. The piano seems to be doing all the atonal stuff. It is quite a funny piece to listen to, nice, because the atonalness, there isn't much to improve on. Some of the chords that are very dissonant, I liked. Also, there could be more minor like morivou said, and more augmented chords too, I like them :P.
  4. How strange. I have always thought of some keys as having special charicteristics. I thought Eb Major was triumph, and why is Db major so bad? C# minor is my favourite key, I think it somehow sounds more profecional and nice than others. I don't really agree with any on the site. The one on Cmajor is true :thumbsup: Fminor, longing for the grave seems vaguely right, it is a sad key for some reason. That's all I can think of for now, anyone else?
  5. At the moment I am trying to learn chopin nocturne #13 in Cminor. It has 15th's on the left hand however they are rippled.
  6. What program did you make this with? I agree the bridge interupts the piece, but the rest of it is so good yo forget about it anyway.
  7. I know about the presto part on p4, I don't mean it to be that fast, but something to do with the accelerando made it go faster than it should be, in the intro the left hand should be much quieter. Thanks for the help.:P
  8. I had the internet up, that's all. But it's not exactly rare for my computer to stuff up, rrgh!
  9. Thanks a lot guys! I know what you mean about the flow, as it changes key signature a few times, and the midi really destroyed the flow in parts. But yeah, is was a bit disrupted in places, here is the score. Thanks again. (this is the link, weird ay?)
  10. Hi, anyone? Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.
  11. I'm sorry to post another thread asking for help, but this one is more serious. After being in sibelius 4.1 for about 10-15 minutes, it locks up then says 'fatal runtime error' the it says sib.dmp file written to disc. What does this mean, and can it be fixed?
  12. Hi, I like it. The start is catchy and has nice chords I think, at around 46 seconds I think that there should more chords in the left hand. I really like the bit 1.40 to 2.00. I also like how it keeps coming bach to the main theme and then venturing off in different ways, I like the diminished bits also. The dynamics are nice and work well with the themes. Reminds me of beethovens pieces. Especially the appasionata for some reason. However I personallt would have liked to hear more powerful chords at the end, but I guess that might not fit in too well. Btw, if you can play it, why don't you make a recording and post an mp3? I think it would soung quite a lot better on a real piano. Although I guess all song sound better on an actual piano. Good work!
  13. The string orchestra seems nice, like an overture sort of, I don't have time to hear them all, a shame, I also listened to a day, not quite as good, seemed to jerky to me, I won't vote yet. These are your pieces aren't they? Seemed quite vague.
  14. Check this out, it's the longest song that I have made (so far) that is good enough to post here. I like the use if Augmented chords quite a lot. Now the midi is hopeless for this song, so don't comment on strange timing issues, especially near the end. Constructive criticism would be appreciated. This song took me a year to make, but I was on and off, which is why it has different parts that you can hear that I have changed. BTW, can you hear the key changes. It goes F#minor, Bbminor, F#minor, Cminor, F#minor. With many other variations to the 4 and 5 chords in each section. Ballade 1.MID
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