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About Marcus2

  • Birthday 06/26/1986

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  1. Thanks, but no thanks. And you'd be surprised at how under-appreciated composers other than Haydn and Mozart [1] have become. I've been listening to lots of other composers of the classical era other than those two, and take my word for it: there's a lot to explore in them. Not only that, but you missed the entire point of my post! ;) [1] I said something like it once, and I'll say it again: Beethoven belongs better in the context of the Romantic era than the Classical era. Here's why: Beethoven's early major works span roughly from 1795 to 1803 (although he did compose a little bit between 1780 and 1795); those of his middle and late periods span from about 1803 to 1826, the year before his death. His early works should be considered classical, while his middle and late ones I consider to be pretty darn Romantic. 23 years of Romanticism easily beat 8 years of classicism for Beethoven. Those are some pretty good points you made there, danishali903! JS Bach did learn to compose in part from studying works of his predecessors, though. But you're on the right track! :) I shall see what imslp.org has to offer! EDIT: I can't find either piece I've mentioned in the bullet points on imslp.org. I thank you very much with gratitude, danishali903, for your input. I might need a Plan B, though.
  2. I am in the middle of composing my first keyboard sonata. It is in a classical era style, as I imagine all my other pieces will be. Here in the past, I was given note of Classical Form by William Caplin, which focuses on the form and functions exclusively of Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven. However, I don't want to be limited to only those three composers when I study classical era styles. It would be just like people wanting to compose in a baroque style being limited to compositions of Bach, Handel, and Vivaldi; or those wanting to compose in a romantic style being limited to compositions of Chopin, Schumann, and Brahms. And besides, I have a problem with Beethoven. You see, I consider his middle and late works to be far more a part of the romantic style and era than that of the classical style and era. CPE Bach, Gluck, Soler, and even Scarlatti were truer to a classical style than Beethoven ever was, and Beethoven was as true to romanticism (especially in his middle and late works) as was Schubert, Mendelssohn, Schumann, and Brahms. You know, I think the best way to learn to compose in a classical style (in my case) is to get some hands-on experience with sheet music of composers that came from the classical era. And I'll bet my life savings that those composers didn't need to study all that mathematical crap to create works of their own. They, like JS Bach of the baroque era, were largely self-taught and learned to compose from reading previous musical works, listening to them, and using their own imagination. I prefer looking at sheet music, but finding classical sheet music online for free I find hard to find. Currently, I am trying to compose the second movement to my first sonata. I will need sheet music for the following works to help me: CPE Bach's Keyboard Concerto in C minor, H. 448 Wq. 37 Christoph Willibald Gluck's ballet Alessandro ​In the meantime, have a look at the first movement of my sonata in PDF and MIDI format. As a side note, the 96th keyboard sonata of Antonio Soler (1729-1783) sounds like an early frigging Mozart! Only Spanish, though. Keyboard Sonata in C minor, I.pdf Keyboard Sonata in C minor, I.mid
  3. Thanks a lot, AlbertPensive! :) And again, I'm very sorry if carried a rude tone with you.
  4. The only hit I got for possibly obtaining the PDF was this: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1468-2249.00131/abstract. I registered onto the site, but after that, I tried clicking the download link, and they required me to pay for it. How do you like those apples? Look, I'm not interested in how fast you got to the PDF by googling, for saying such is not all that helpful. I am interested in where specifically I can locate the pdf and download it for free. Please copy and paste a link to your next post. I'm already short on credit cash as it is... EDIT: If you don't feel like copying and pasting the exact link, it would be helpful if you gave me the name of the appropriate website so I can narrow my Google search. Forgive me if I sounded rude in the last paragraph before this edit. I didn't mean it; I was just a little frustrated.
  5. All these terms you mention sound like Chinese to me. I may know a good deal about music and music history, but apparently I'm weak at knowledge about compositional techniques. Is there something more general I could look at that is related to composition of the classical era? I mean a book or essay that shows the techniques and science behind the work of various Classical period masters. The book title provided by AlbertPensive looks good and all, but I don't think I'll be able to read the whole thing without paying for it, unless there's a reasonable way to obtain it for free.
  6. Thanks for suggesting that essay for me. I'll Google it and check it out! ;) And please point out how my fragmented piece lacks directionality, and how or why the harmonies are "a bit clumsy". EDIT 1: I have Googled the essay you suggested. But it turns out it's not really an essay at all, but a whole book full of information! If I want to have a complete look at something like this, I'd have to pay for it. Other than Google Books and Amazon (which were the top results), there are a few instances of the work in PDF form. But at those sites, you'd have to register to look at it, and I don't know what sites I can trust these days, or if I'll have to pay for membership. My following comments may not be relevant to the issue at hand, but I think they are worth mentioning: The book focuses on Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven, but skimps on the compositional styles of other noteworthy composers (i.e. C.P.E. Bach, Gluck, Pla, Soler, Boccherini, Salieri, and Clementi). I hope I don't come across as asking for too much here, but the guys in the parentheses were true Classical masters, like Haydn and Mozart, though unlike Beethoven. You see, much like Schubert, Beethoven was partially Classical in style (in the works of his early period), but was more of a Romantic composer (particularly since the 3rd symphony ("Eroica") and piano sonatas Op. 53 ("Waldstein") and 54). I might as well study the music of the Classical masters further, unless there's another alternative... EDIT 2: If your suggestion is truly the best method, could you possibly provide a link to such a PDF? Because frankly, I don't like to spend a lot of time Googling. Thank you. :)
  7. Hello chums. My name is Marcus. I am largely a self-taught amateur composer. I have observed techniques used by composers of the Classical period such as C.P.E. Bach, Haydn, and Mozart, and I have incorporated such into a composition of my own. The piece I intend to complete is a keyboard sonata in C minor, and I have the last several measures of the piece attached to this topic in PDF and MIDI format as a fragment. Feel free to observe and listen to this fragmentary composition. Do any of you people know of any methods that could help one master a style period like the Classical? I was thinking along the lines of a specific kind composition help book, but if any of you can think of something more effective in what I'm looking for, that would be great. Fragment.pdf Fragment.mid
  8. OK. Yeah, I got the same kind of answer from another member (I can't disclose his/her name) whom I sent a private message to. So I guess I'll have to investigate the matter elsewhere. :(
  9. Yes, go do the latter. The first piece in a booklet or pamphlet may be always on the right-hand side, but for a booklet etc. with more than one piece, it would be unwise to leave blank pages in between pieces, for the reasons I mentioned in my last post.
  10. My goodness, is it really that much of a mystery whether or not an edited/arranged work by an 18th century composer is acceptable for submission to Kunstderfuge.com?
  11. Here's my advice for this situation: waste not, want not. So I would pick A. I don't think it matters which side a new piece begins, anyway. If you print your pieces double-sided all the way through, you save paper and, depending on the total number of pieces you want to print at a time, have less paper you need to staple or bind together. I hope this helps, and I wish you well.
  12. I don't know that much about recorders or microtones, but a simple Google search (keywords: microtone recorder fingering chart) reveals this site in its hits: http://www.wfg.woodwind.org/recorder/rec_tr0_1.html If this site does not help, you could try and Google for other hits with the keywords mentioned, or keywords similar to those. I hope this suggestion will help you. ;)
  13. What may help sudden key changes go as smooth as in this song is if the keys are in some way related. For instance, A minor to its relative major (C major), to its parallel major (A major), or to other minor keys, particularly E minor or D minor. At least this is the way things are done in traditional genres and styles of classical music. What also may help is a chord or a series of a few chords that will bring two very unrelated keys together. For instance, B minor to F major, which could go something like this: Bm, C7, F. Or, Bm, D, Dm, F. I hope this helps a bit.
  14. So you're saying maybe Kunstderfuge.com isn't a good choice for submitting this kind of work?
  15. You mean Tchaikovsky, right?
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