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About abs260

  • Birthday 12/18/1993

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Profile Information

  • Biography
    I'm a musician currently studying for my A-Levels in Warwick England, I play Viola in various orchestras as well as doing some conducting for the Warwickshire County Music Service and of course composing. I've had pieces played by various ensembles including the Warwickshire County Youth Orchestra Directed by Colin Touchin who recently won an FMS Orchestras award at Symphony Hall in Birmingham.
  • Gender
  • Location
    Warwick, UK
  • Occupation
    Student although I do some freelance playing and conducting
  • Interests
    Music, Cycling, going out with friends.
  • Favorite Composers
    Vaughan Williams, Phillip Glass, Reich, Franck, Eric Whitacre
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Sibelius 7
  • Instruments Played
    Viola, Violin, Piano, Tenor, Conductor

abs260's Achievements


Enthusiast (6/15)

  • Conversation Starter Rare
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  1. I'm playing in a concert in the Royal Albert Hall in November, I'm pretty excited!!! :D

  2. Thanks Heckel I literally only just saw this, I don't know why! I'm certainly going to take another look at it although I've been pretty busy recently! (Aren't I always!? :P ) Anyway I will get back to work on this and post a new version up here soon. Thanks so much for that lovely review! Adam
  3. Listening to Graham Fitkins new Cello Concerto :D

  4. I haven't been on here in a while, it's all changed, I like it! I've been touring with an orchestra round europe this summer and had a piece I'd written in our program! :D

    1. HeckelphoneNYC


      "I haven't been on here in a while" seems to be your favorite sentence :P

    2. abs260


      Well what can I say... I'm a busy person! :P

  5. Got another concert of my music tomorrow :)

    1. jawoodruff
    2. HeckelphoneNYC


      good job! post it up. be glad to listen :)

  6. Ok so I know I haven't been very active recently for which I do really apologize, I've had loads of exams :( Anyway I've been working on a few pieces and this is one of them. Although I am a pianist I rarely write piano music.. until now. The piece is pretty crazy really I basically taken 3 or 4 main themes and developed them and played around with them. The aim of the piece was to be a difficult fast piece to play. As well as one that uses some quite complex harmony and some interesting rhythms. Anyway I hope you enjoy it :) Feel free to comment :) Étude No.1
  7. I really like this piece, you achieved the cheeky feel very well! Rhythmically it's very interesting and in fact melodically it is as well. Personally I'd give the piano more melody I think the change in timbre would really aid the piece, in fact to keep it's cheeky feel maybe a little bit of a conversation between the piano and flute, if that makes sense? A bar of flute melody then a bar of piano etc.. would work really well But really jolly piece fantastic work well done abs260
  8. Thanks guys I was having a look at it and I think the best solution is to basically switch back to the original midi sounds rather than sound essentials, it works fine then, just anoying having to change it every time I use sibelius. Oh well I guess I'll have to cope. abs260
  9. Hey all, I was recently asked to write a piece for a Viol Consort (Two treble, two tenor and two bass viols). Anyway when I went into sibelius it didn't have any sounds for the lower register of the Bass Viol. From the F below middle C to the bottom of it's range. The rest of them are fine it's the lower register of the bass, which I could really do with having. I'm using sibelius 6 and sibelius sound essentials. Thanks Adam
  10. Thanks guys :toothygrin: I suppose how repetitive it was would depend on where the piece was being used. I will take a look and see what I could do with it though. I too would love to hear it live, shame I haven't got a string orchestra and choir at the ready! Adam
  11. I wrote this piece quite a while ago, and it was originally going to be a piece of music that I would have imagined to be performed in a concert hall. It turned out like this, in the film kind of style. I think the piece works quite well, perhaps it's a tad repetitive. Anyway any opinions I could get would be great. The Uprising
  12. A nice piece First off it would be great if you could upload the a pdf file of the score, it makes it a lot easier to review. It's quite a short piece you could do with extending some of the melodies and some more repetition would be nice of the slower parts especially. Also the ending feels quite rushed, I like the way it suddenly stops but maybe you could repeat the last few 2 bars just to give the listener the sense of the ending approaching. You could maybe consider developing the main themes a liitle more. I really like the themes though and the way you have used the percussion is also really effective in setting the mood of the piece. Well done abs260
  13. Well I was speaking to my conductor last night about this and he doesn't mind either way so I just left it in concert pitch because that's how I composed it. He's a very experienced conductor and can easily transpose everything anyway. Although if it was a conductor who wasn't as experienced I think I probably wouldn't put it in concert pitch just to make rehearsals easier, I guess it's just personal preference. I always put the parts in the key for the instrument it's just the score I wasn't too sure about. Thanks guys :) abs260
  14. Hey all, I was just wondering whether I should put the scores of orchestral pieces I write in concert pitch when it's being played? Does it matter either way? Thanks, abs260
  15. Thanks I only just noticed sibelius didn't put instrument names on.. strange. Well the smaller staff came from when I split the oboe staff for the solo oboe so on the parts the solo oboe comes up as well as the oboe part. I've seen this myself before in parts I have played. So in terms of the orchestration what should I be doing, adding things like broken chords to make it more interesting?
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