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About JudasF

  • Birthday 07/22/1991

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Enthusiast (6/15)

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  1. FL Studio 10, EWQL Complete composers collection, m-audio keystation 61es
  2. well, yeah the hero is something with positive mind, so why not a mouse :D Thank you for your positive comments! :)
  3. I'm back with whole new equipment and libraries! Even though this is fairly short in length, this took me many nights to compose. Also, it's probably the most happy cue I've ever done, and it is written for demo purposes. And, what is new equipment without yet another fast-paced adventure scene? A Hero's Ride
  4. Yeah well, the second part will include more romantic parts I think... Thank you, I wasn't sure will this turn out well, good that it did!
  5. Thank you :)
  6. A romantic and mystical cue I composed. Part of a lovestory which includes ghosts and paranormal elements. Musically, quite Williams and Elfman influenced. Tell me what ya think, and review if you got time. The Spectral Affinity
  7. Try to hold tight, this one is very fast-paced. To a scene where a horse carriage is being chased by a monster with wings. I really worked hard on this one, trying to catch that dangerous leap-of-faith kind of mood, mixed with adventure themes when the hero does something way cool. Chase Through the Dark Forest
  8. of course, that may be the reason... I think I have learned from my mistake, I'm working on a fast-paced chasething, and I found a new way for the drums, I hope it turns out good. Orchestration is hard to master!
  9. This sounds great, is it all orchestral instruments with no electronics and other things? Solid orchestration, I wouldn't change a thing! -Judas-
  10. Thank you! I decided to stop it so the cue was not too long, so it maintains the listeners interest
  11. This one has two parts, both included here. I tried some new things again Tavern Scene
  12. Thank you both I'm currently just experimenting with the woodwinds, just trying different stuff as I really don't know what they should play... Well, I hope in the future that after many mistakes, I finally make the flutes right!
  13. Ignore the ending! Please! Thank you for your comment, this was my first experiment with the woodwinds
  14. Something I have never done before, I decided to have a go on something that sounds that you are flying above a fantasy landscape. I hope it turned out well! The Wonderous Flight
  15. Hey, I don't know if I am posting this to the right forum but I'll have a go. I use EWQL Gold, and I am quite satisfied. However, it contains only the one mic position and you cannot really affect on the reverb. I don't know much about mixing and such so I want to learn it. My problem is, that when I add massive percussion beds, the overall sound gets muddied. I tried to solve this by making wider pan for the orchestra and leaving the percussion to the middle. This didn't however fix the problem. What I need is clearer sounding percussion, though it needs to sound massive and reverby. How can I achieve this with my EWQL Gold? Listen to my newest piece, Defend the City for example.
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