For an upcoming variety show, my friend and I are singing Phantom of the Opera from The Phantom of the Opera (Andrew Lloyd Webber musical, not the Iron Maiden song).
It will be me and her on stage (she's singing, Im playing the organ) and through the auditorium speakers is a mix I'm making filling in all the additional orchestra parts.
The mix has been going great except for the most important part-the bass. I have all the other samples (strings, brass, drum kit/perc.) except the electronic bass. I have ewqlso gold edition, and quantom leap stormdrum and having major difficulty tweaking samples to sound like the bass in the song.
So is there any possible way for someone to just imput the sample of the electronic bass into my midi file? This would be an enormous help! I don't have much to give the person except a couple musical scores of their liking.
Here's the midi file:
Here's what I would love the bass to sound like:
YouTube - Phantom of the Opera- Sarah Brightman and Steve Harley
Any help would be amazing!! Thanks!!!