Don't worry, and don't try to become a tenor. It is not a choice you can make. You body is busy making it, and may not stop or decide until you're 35!
Do keep singing, never straining your voice. Straining, especially now, can become permanent. Allow yourself to sing soprano/falsetto/counter-tenor/bass - whatever comes out easily and simply. Look at Schubert songs for yourself and guitar. Apparently he played them that way himself while sick in bed.
Lute songs!!!
These can be done in whatever key you voice thinks it wants to be in that day.
If you can get voice lessons, for breathing and pronunciation, and musical technique, this is the same no matter what voice your body picks out.
Sing in a choir that will not expect you to be preparing for American Idol (and sounding like Sanjaya!).
Good luck waiting out your larynx.