I figured this would be a good place to get in touch with people who are well-established or semi-established conductors, composers, people in higher ed. I have a few questions since I will be a High School senior next year.
Currently I am looking at going to UGA (University of Georgia) for an Undergrad Composition. From here I am looking at going to Graduate School in a more lucrative place local (such as Belmont, Bervard, Furman, etc) to do a masters in Conducting with a possible concentration in Wind Band. Then again going up for a DMA or PhD (Still lost in the difference) up in Cincinnati, Julliard, and more of those upper schools. My hope is to teach higher ed, be a clinician, be a composer, be a conductor for a big ensemble, or basically that path. I was wondering if the people here have much experience to pick my mind and give me advice. I LOVE conducting and I LOVE composing. I feel like it would be a great life for me. I beg you to ask me questions, point me to people, point me to websites, and give me advice just because I want to be informed.