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About stefanfraser91

  • Birthday 06/13/1991

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  1. Really pleased so far with what im writing at the moment.

  2. Really pleased so far with what im writing at the moment.

  3. forgotten who the last person who was asked me for an ode

  4. u are absolutely correct, i went to see an orchestra play beethoven and they opened with the king stephan overture and i instantly feel in love with it. it very heavily influenced this piece
  5. i enjoyed the symphony very much. especially the hornpipe at the end of the 3rd movement. do u have the score and are u going to re do the midi file with some sampled sounds????
  6. only one word i have for this. wow
  7. Hi, everyone please visit my youtube channel and give my videos more views and likes (or dislikes lol) theres a number of compositions on there that i havnt posted on here http://www.youtube.com/user/stefomate?feature=mhee
  8. A short gavotte i just wrote. nothing special, I heard the tune in my head and just had to write it down b4 i forgot it kuz its a nice wee melody and wud have been a shame to forget it. reasonably easy to play aswell. Gavotte
  9. An ode for my good friend centa. the most epic and longest one ive wrote so far and with a little hornpipe section at the end. also the first piece ive wrote were I used a harpyoutube vid: Ode To Centa
  10. the server on my laptop got dameged and i lost the score for the second movement so i dnt see the point
  11. thanks for the feedback. glad u enjoyed it, ive always been a fan of scherzos and this is the first one ive ever written. as for the time signature scherzo are normally always written in 3/4
  12. A little Scherzo that i wrote today, i actually got the idea in my head while i was in the shower so i sung it untill i was done so i didnt forget it lol Scherzo
  13. A classical styled overture. i cnt remember how long it took to write but it wasnt long. think mybe a shud have took some to develop some more ideas for it. Overture
  14. JaredTC said on January 28, 2011, 9:42 pm: BRAVO!! Wonderful ending!! i agree
  15. this was the first ode i wrote for my friend David Stuart, he said he wanted an orchestral piece with blast beats, blast beats are a type of drumming that is found in certain sub-genres of heavy metal music, mainly death metal which i am a big fan of. this is not nessesarily a serious piece but i found the idea of it very fun.it is scored for: 2 Horns, tenor and bass trombone, tuba, timpani, glockenspiel, a metal drum kit and strings.heres the link to the youtube video: Ode To David
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