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About kfconnolly

  • Birthday 12/16/1992

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  1. I really enjoyed this piece =) I loved the thematic variation. It made for quite a journey through a stormy spring day. If I were to make any suggestions, I would say change up the end a little bit. It sounds like the exact same as the beginning; you could add a little variation in the melody and/or switch up the instruments and melodic lines. Also, the flute pretty happy morning song part was cool, but I think it could use a little more than DOdo, DOdo, DOdo, trilllilililill. I dunno. Seemed a little dull after a while. But of course, you don't have to change anything :) These are just my opinions. It's already good as it is :) Nice work! Cheers, Keegan
  2. I finally have my own Clavinova =)

  3. I finally have my own Clavinova =)

  4. I'm really into all of the diminished and dissonant ones, but what else I find really awesome is perfect fifths in the low octaves, especially those in octave '1'.
  5. It seems that on the new Latest Upload box, the link to the page itself (like right now, it's The 9 Muses - Urania; 'Of Heaven'), doesn't work. It keeps me on the page I was on. Not sure why this is happening. Just a thought :)
  6. This...is... Gorgeous!!! Holy lord! (no pun intended). I mean... such beautiful structure and such a great story is told through the different moods! If I had to comment on things to fix...I mean, this is nitpicky but I guess I could name a few. Measure 94, the "affetuoso" section, I thought was rather boring. The flute and piano basically in unison and sitting on a really long stream of dotted quarters...I felt like the flute could be doing a LITTLE bit more. Just a little bit more. I also think the flute cadenza was too short and frankly not that amazing. I know you're capable of reworking that because of how incredible the whole piece is before it. Other than that...Great work! I'm looking forward to the other movements...or goddesses! -Keeg
  7. Thank you very much for your review! I totally understand what you're saying with the ranges. It really does seem like it takes a small range for each voice. And I'm RIGHT with you on the bass II low thing; as I am a bass II and can hit C# (though I never have had to, I've never sung Lux, WHICH I LOVE TO DEATH), so I know that the basses love dropping into the basement. The only thing I don't understand is where you're speaking about in my piece, because the basses drop down to a low E at one point. Also with the chords, yes; some of those have been worked on. I've changed it so much already since this submission. On one of the many versions I have saved, I have a whole section switched into a minor key. Again, I really thank you for the encouragement! I had basically given up on this piece over the course of the past week; but now I'll definitely work on it when I have the time. -Keeg
  8. Hello all! This is an extensively reworked version of my lullaby I had posted a couple of weeks ago.This is approximately version 5 since my initial first version. I've worked on elements of polyphony, dissonance, and chord structure since its debut.Some of the dynamics may seem unnecessary, and this might be true, but I left them there because it made the Finale-export sound as (relatively) good as possible.It's inspired by Eric Whitacre's 'The Seal Lullaby', and it's probably easy to note the relation if the listener has heard that piece by him.I would love some feedback, as I am relatively inexperienced and this is only, like, my third or fourth complete SATB vocal work.Enjoy the sounds of Garritan's wonderful mess of "Ah's" dancing around in harmony! Cheers!-Keeg Sweet Dreams (a Choral Lullaby)
  9. Oh sorry, I wasn't very clear. I meant, writing, as in, finding text to an African chant and putting it in some sort of SATB choral setting with maybe some back drums. So far I've made a little progress, I got all of the African chant lyrics from the Lion King on Broadway!
  10. Hello all! I'm requesting some assistance. I've recently been inspired to write an African chant. I don't really know why. The problem is, I can't find anything. I've googled, and I never get good results. The results that come up are always links to mp3 websites or youtube or something. So, does anybody happen to know of some great African chant texts? Or a good place to find some? Or, a different way to approach the issue entirely? I appreciate the help in advance! -Keeg
  11. Most of the critiquing I had thought of has already been said, so now I'm just going to voice my thoughts. WOW. So fun! The beginning reminded me of music from the Legend of Zelda so much. Definitely would be a difficult piece to get mastered. I see that you're a trombonist... some of their parts were pretty difficult! I commend you if you can play along! But wow, it just felt so happy and lively; I'm not really sure what else to say! It was really enjoyable to listen to. I actually smiled at the end of it just because it made me so happy! Wonderful work! Make this part of a larger work! And see if you can, by some miracle, find a band that can play it for you! -Keegan
  12. I agree with a lot of what the above comment said. Some parts I loved, some need a little bit of work. But first and foremost, I love the instrumentation! A women's chorus and a woodwind quartet... so unusual! I commend you for creating such a piece. I love your use of dissonance, but at time I didn't enjoy the overuse of it. That part where the oboe and clarinet (I think) wail two clashing notes for like 4 measures and a fermata... That simply hurt after a while. I'd definitely make that a clash, then resolve. Then even clash again and resolve in the same phrase; but I wouldn't suggest leaving it as such a harsh long note. Also I would be careful with what you're writing for the alto line, it seemed to go down to a G, I think, and that's pretty unusual in my opinion. Also they had some octave jumps from their low A range to their middle A range; I'm no expert but I would think that's semi-difficult and not comfortable. I'm sure it's possible, but I'm not sure how necessary it is to the overall accomplishment of the piece. On the bright side, holy crap I love your use of key changes. I'm a sucker for those and you implemented them wonderfully. I enjoyed the odd ones, such as D to D-flat major. And at measure 108, I just lit up! That part was so expressive and beautiful! Though, at the end...I didn't like the last chord. That's about all I can say, haha; I just think the last chord could use some work, like making some parts resolve. These are all just in my opinion, I'm no professional. Take it or not, it doesn't matter :) Great piece. Fun instrumentation/voicing! -Keegan
  13. Hi there, just wanted to give this a quick review since it seems to not be getting a lot of attention. Very nice work! If I may, I have a few minor suggestions just based on opinion and instinct. Firstly, I think the tempo is too fast. I hear a prayer as a slow, flowing, beautiful piece. If it were performed live, I would assume you'd slow down the tempo just a bit. But that's just me. Second, there are some chords that I think are just lacking and colorless; I can't remember every single bar that this occurs in but there are a few that could use a bit of attention. Maybe think about splitting one of the parts to make it a four-part chord once in a while? Lastly, I find the last chord to be, forgive the pun, unresolving. Like, it just doesn't feel like an "amen" to me; it doesn't sound like the end of the prayer. There's a large chance that this is just weird for me and nobody else, but I'd try playing with that last chord so it feels like 'Yeah! That was an amen!' Ya know?? ...Probably not. Just suggestions, I'm no expert. Great piece :) I'd enjoy hearing a live performance. -Keegan
  14. Wow! Wow. That was really cool! I can VIVIDLY hear it in my head even though it was a finale realization. I can hear the sopranos just busting it out and using crisp consonants. The parts where it sped up and there was intense triplets...So good! The accels gave it such rich intensity... I cannot WAIT to hear the real recording of this. Great work! I'll be checking back soon! -Keegan
  15. Hey Miggy! I checked out your choral piece as promised. I enjoyed it a lot! It had a really warm, happy, prideful type of atmosphere. Very nice. Now, I haven't read any of the others' replies so as not to taint my opinion; so here is what I think if you're looking for a bit of criticism or suggestions. Firstly, as I heard the opening, I really enjoyed the melody and such, but it felt... odd. I couldn't put my tongue on it. And then it hit me! Here's an idea I thought you could try. I felt like the beginning opened too boldly and fast paced, like march-like. To change this, maybe, from measures 1 through 5 (up through "sky:") make the tempo sort of... 'Freely'. Like, quarter note = low 50s, possibly even 60. So it's like a free, expressive opening figure. Sort of like a cadenza I suppose. And then they hold out this beautiful "Sky!", and then break out into the central story and melody of "So it was when my life began". Ya know what I'm saying? Just a suggestion, just my opinion, you don't have to. :) Next, measure 14. I think the rhythm is awkward with the words. If it were me, this is exactly what I would do. Make "it" a dotted quarter note, put "when" on the 'and' of beat 4, and make "I shall" two eighth notes on the downbeat of measure 15. I think it'd sound less awkward. Speaking of measure 15, in my personal opinion, I think the altos should resolve from C to B with the tenors. Just sayin'. Again, you don't have to. Lastly, in the last four measures, I have a tiny suggestion. In measure 34, "natural" has the option of being three syllables; as in, na-tu-ral. Maybe make beat 1 two eighth notes (maintaining the same pitches) instead of a quarter? I dunno, that's just what I think. Again! These are all just my opinions; I'm no professional. Heck I'm not even out of high school, I haven't taken any composition anythings. My suggestions are just based on instinct; take 'em or throw 'em out. :) Nice work! I'd like to see more! Cheers! -Keegan
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