When I hear a song that makes my emotions all funny it's because I can relate to something in the song with my life. Then when you hear the song you then realize that you are not the only person out there with that problem, or feelings.
I would have to say that Logic is the most famous MIDI sequencer and has also been seen as the best when it comes to MIDI. Logic is also the first MIDI sequencer as we know it today (with a graphic user interface rather than using only notation).
The primary thing that makes a guitar sound the way it does is the wood it is made from. There isn't much you can do about that. The best you might be able to do is match some pickups and strings to the tone woods for a better match.
Have a great day
I'll suggest go on a headphone survey and hunt down the right ones for u but no need to get such expensive ones like Bose. No doubt BOSE rules the sound system and the headphones look awesome but 400 $ is kind a huge if u r not set to spend so much.
The Dizi is the traditional Chinese flute. It is believed to have been brought in from Tibet during the Han Dynasty and since then it has been used for over the past 2,000 years in China.