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treehugger1995 last won the day on November 18 2013

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About treehugger1995

  • Birthday 06/08/1995

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    left eye of the man on the moon
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  • Favorite Composers
    Beethoven, R.V. Williams, John Cage, John Corigliano, Jean Sibelius, John Adams, John Adams, John Adams, John Adams, John Mackey, Frank Tichelli, Steve Reich
  • My Compositional Styles
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    finale 2011
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  1. Hi! This isn't really a music-related question, but I like your username 😊I'm a treehugger 

  2. Hello everyone, so you're probably wondering where your recordings are. I know I'm really late on this, and the reason it took me so long to get back to you was because I needed some time to try to fix the situation, and honestly, I couldn't bear to tell you. So my accompanist bailed out this summer. That, combined with the fact I got a promotion in my job and required like, double the hours, and that my performance of my oboe concerto basically crashed and burned and I started my freshman year at the conservatory, I just couldn't get you guys good recordings on time. Believe me though, I have not forgotten about you and I will not forget! I promise you, you will each get your recordings to you at some point. If all goes well, I may be able to get them done before New Years. I am terribly sorry about all this, I know this is really disappointing and many of you have worked so hard on your compositions. Really, all of you turned in lovely works. Again, I give the sincerest of apologies.
  3. Take something pleasant, and make it weird? That's my territory exactly! I'm in!
  4. tada http://www.youngcomposers.com/music/5297/sonata-on-themes-by-p7rv-or-whatever/
  5. Onno, it could be that I'm going off to college in about a week and half way across the continent, not able to see my family and completely leave this place behind... and my audition music is freakin Hindemith Symphonic Metamorphases, which is a bit difficult. I'm sure once I get to school, I'll be bursting with new ideas. Thanks everyone for your help! Tuohey, that's what I usually do, and I have been getting better, I've worked under fast deadlines enough to not wait for a burst of inspiration, but this time's different, I'm not quite waiting as much as my mind is at a complete blank. It's always easy once you get past that intimidating score of empty staves, once I get past, it inspires itself, it's just that I can't seem to start. This time, instead of having nothing to say and nothing to write, I have an urge to say something, but I have nothing i can write down. ken320, I just bought an oboe, I have no money! and I'm buying college now, I'll never have money until I'm 40! But I've been looking for ways to save up for a good sequencer, and I have been playing with some online apps, but I'm not exactly an electronic composer, this piece is for the Alexandria Symphony Orchestra. Thanks a lot everyone! I hope this proves to be useful for anyone else who finds themselves in this situation, you all have some great advice, and it helps to be reassured that my career as a composer won't end at the age of 18 :P
  6. thanks for the help everyone! I guess I probably should just take a little break :p
  7. I've been in a bit of a rut lately, and I was wondering if you all could help me out. It seems like this whole summer, I haven't been able to write anything good, I have a ton sketches, but they all suck. So, what do you guys do when you seem to have composer's block?
  8. I'll try this out
  9. I CALL DIBS ON THE SCREAMS OF DAMNED SOULS!! Seriously though, I'm in
  10. Don't do it!! Self-publish instead, it's a little bit more work, but it's really worth it, you get 100% of the sales, as opposed to the usual 10, here, this guy gives a much better a argument than I can. http://ostimusic.com/blog/music-publishing/
  11. I tried something similar before, you'd need a crazy amount of time and equipment to edit everyone's audio together, unless you have a lot of money, a large tech team behind you, and lots of patience, it just won't work.
  12. oh, and Higdon and Theofandis, you can never forget them!
  13. I'd also add to this list John Corigliano, he's at least one of the best teachers I've seen, based on the successes of his students, and also Eric Whitacre, you have to at least give him credit for his work on choirs, and his Virtual Choir. Of course, John Adams also comes to mind, Frank Ticheli is also a genius in Wind Ensemble literature.
  14. OK! I have made my decision! I'm sorry this took so long, I seemed to be stuck in a 3-way tie... because some of these pieces are a bit difficult, I decided on 4 pieces, one of which will be performed at a benefit concert of new music to raise awareness for teen bullying. the 3 pieces that will be recorded are: 1. Austenite's "Playful Dreams" 2. Yeo Chow Shern's "the Branyo" 3. Christian Perrota's "6 melodies" and finally, the piece that will be performed in concert (drum roll...) Sarastro's "Hortus Conclusis" thank you all for participiating! You all were fantastic! I was tremendously pleased with all the works you submitted, and trust me, it was really difficult to narrow it down. Winner, expect your recordings sometime this summer, probably late August, and I will send everyone a very detailed response to their piece, what I liked, what I didn't like, so if you're wondering why you didn't make it (or why you did), you'll figure out soon enough :) thanks again everyone!
  15. Hey guys, I'm sorry to say, my printer ran out of ink before I could get to all of your pieces D: I've also been swamped with work, etc, but results will be done by this week, I promise!
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