This piece is not my first, but rather my first completed piece (that I remembered to save on my computer xD). This is a violin solo with piano accompaniment. I came up with the main theme after watching a John Jameson beer commericial (yes, the one of him saving his beer barrel from a sea monster). Imagine a sailor in the late 1700s who left his fiancee in England while he went on a trip to obtain cargo from Spain. He was gone for a year, but promised to return to her. The year passed and he came back to England, only to learn that his fiancee went to America with another man to live a happy life. Then he goes to sea alone to America to find his fiancee. He goes through a terrible storm (characterized by the powerful piano enterance at the beginning of the piece) but alas, does not make it to America, for the storm destroyed his ship and left him stranded and his fate unknown. The violin in the piece represents his ill-fated attempt at finding his wife, this sad tune on the upper registers of the violin. I do hope you enjoy, and comment if you feel the need to ;)