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About Solburnt

  • Birthday 06/28/1987

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    ADD... not much more too it... XD
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  • Occupation
    Lazy jobless college student flunking everything but biology...
  • Interests
    Composing music, erotic and normal visual art, video games, mechanics, hiking, music, dance, ramen..

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  1. Oboe, arguably the most beautiful to hear and fickle to play of them all. :P I can't really pick a specific piece with an oboe that I like the most... Probably something by Bach would be my first pick. ~Solburnt
  2. This is a short piece I arranged for piano based on a very simple theme from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. You can hear the melody in the first eight measures of the piece in the right hand. I added lots of articulation, dynamics, and embellishments to make it sound really classical! Let me know what you think of it! Cheers! :P ~Solburnt Classical Clocktower.MUS Classical Clocktower.MID
  3. Ok, I appreciate the help and I know you know what you're talking about, but could you break down "7th of the tonic or dominant" into a functional example for me? I have no real theory background, just the basic elements of music required to read it (rhythm, scales, pitch, dynamics). If it's a little more complicated than that I completely understand, and then I would ask where to start learning it :P Thanks again in advance and sorry for the extra trouble! ~Solburnt
  4. Well, I spent a few hours on it this evening and changed a few chords and added some dynamics, got a bit farther trying your suggestions, then became stuck again. Tell me what you think of it so far (I'm still working on it ^^). I'm at a kind of crossroads here and need some advice. Should I a) bring back a little of the tempo and melody from the beginning or b) continue with the slow expressive part for a while and expand on my current melodies? I look forward to your replies! ~Solburnt welcome winter.MID
  5. Thank you very much for the suggestions! I've never thought of developing a piece that way (I usually am so set in what I want it to sound like that I end up changing everything when something sounds bad.) I'll try what you suggested and post a few examples of what I come up with. Cheers ~Solburnt
  6. I've had several ideas for some melodies over the past few days, so I've decided to begin work on a large project for a small chamber orchestra, however I'm no good at making transitions. I attached a midi/mus file with all the melodies I plan to use, organized like so: Solid Bar = Beginning/end of a melody Double Bar = Second part of the melody or building to a transition If anyone could point me in the direction of some helpful tips to writing transitions or maybe post a few examples using the melodies I've provided that would be great! I appreciate any feedback you have to offer as I'm still trying my best to learn as much as I can. Thank you in advance! ~Solburnt Melody Test.MUS Melody Test.MID
  7. Here are a couple MIDIs of some background music I plan to use on an RPG I'm currently working on called Aegis Dark. I'm not very good at harmony and I like to keep things simple, so they aren't really commercial-grade. The titles pretty much describe the pieces; Title Finished is the finished version of the title theme (there were about 14 files before I decided it was time to clean up -.-). Happy Forest was meant to be a little less western that it turned out but I've neglected to fix it. Cave, Spooky tower, Temple is meant for a cave or maybe spooky tower/temple, I tried to make it dissonant(?) without making it unbearable to listen to for 5-10 minutes at a time. Ending Song is really sad music for when the player gets a game over, pretty typical slow echoing piano dirge(?)ish piece. Battle Theme is.. well... the battle theme : /, it's up-beat with a constant snare keeping the rhythm, and a synth part echoing the melody. They're all meant to be looped but the title theme doesnt really work if you listen to it long enough (with the looping and all), I'd really like some suggestions/comments! I'm interested in what other people's perceptions are and any suggestions that could help me to become a better composer :sadtears: Also, they all are set to repeat 5 times (I forgot to delete the repeat in Printmusic before I made the midis >.<) *Hug* ~Solburnt Title Finished.MID happy forest.MID Cave, spooky tower, temple.MID ending song.MID battle theme.MID
  8. Well, I'll just jump right in it then! I've had this piece sitting around in my unfinished folder for a few months now... It's supposed to be a sort of magical wintery sounding piece... It's crazy, everytime I try to sit and work on it, it feels like someone empties a cement truck into my brain so I just give up and go watch tv... I'm at what seems to me like it would be the end of a phrase? (I don't have any formal music education so bear with my butchered terminology) I feel like there should be more but it just won't come out... it's like im "creatively constipated" >.> Bad analogy... Anyway, any suggestions or tips would be appreciated. :sadtears: Thank you in advance! ~Solburnt welcome winter.MID
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