I actually made this with my high school's highest band in mind. I realize the range on many of the instruments is extensive and it is meant to do that. Rhythmically, it is an easy piece because I wanted it to be something easy for an upper level band in case my director allows me to perform this at our spring concert which is only a few weeks away. Also, the G major is something else that will make it a little more challenging for them just to make it more interesting on the performers part. For that oboe part, I almost put it down an octave from that, but I'm not positive on an oboe's low range (I play brass instruments, not woodwind) and Sibelius turned the low C red to signify it was out of range. I didn't put the clarinets there because I don't want too many people playing that part. And thanks with the mallet staff thing, I'm not a percussionist so I have no idea what goes on down there! Anyway, thank you for everything and I'll definitely be making some minor changes from your advice. Thanks, Josh