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About MADviolist

  • Birthday 06/29/1993

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  • Favorite Composers
    Martinů, Ives, Milhaud, Debussy, Ravel, Shostakovich, Prokofiev, Schönberg, Zemlinsky
  • Instruments Played
    viola, keyboard instruments (pf. and hps.)

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  1. zdravim pane :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MADviolist


      Ale ... na to bych skoro zapomněl :) Tonálně píšu zatím skoro všechno :D:)

    3. tomalakis


      fakt? tak to si budu muset asi prošťouchnout uši :)

    4. tomalakis


      bajo, pardon. já tu tvou sonátu minule jen tak projel. je tonální :) v podstatě

  2. Both compositions are very short and part of cycle of intermezzi composed by me. It is written for solo harp or piano.Intermezzo no. 1 is in E-major, no.2 is in e-minor. Intermezzi no.1 and no.2
  3. Funeral music for bells and strings. Adagio religioso
  4. This short piece "Adagio for four cellos" was written for one of my friends who plays cello and is going to perform it this sumer with cello section of her orchestra. Adagio for four cellos
  5. Another work for my favorite ensemble of some woodwinds (flute, oboe, bassoon), horn, harp and strings ... Night Prelude
  6. MADviolist


    This "Largo" was composed a year ago, but just version for two pianos, now I have orchestrated it and there it is ...Instruments:Flute, Oboe, English hornHorn in FSolo HarpStrings Largo
  7. thanks, it is one of my first longer pieces that i have played on my concert, however, this is soundfile made by Finale (.midi) and Garritan (Steinway sound) ..
  8. Short piece for piano solo. Per pianoforte
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