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About yyoppp

  • Birthday 01/09/1994

yyoppp's Achievements


Enthusiast (6/15)

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  • Seven Years in
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  1. Lol, ya ... it's not like there's many ppl to chose from.
  2. This is HELLA SWEET! Im sooo in.
  3. Hey, I finally finished my composition for this competition. The piece is called "Fortress". A finale 2009 file and a PDF are attached. DO NOT LISTEN TO THE FINALE PLAY BACK. Both Euphonium parts play the same thing but one of them is in bass clef and the other one is in treble cleff which I transposed myself up a major ninth while finale doesn't recognize that transposition so it plays it a major ninth up. Thus the finale play back plays that wrong. Go to SoundClick artist: Stephen Sp - page with MP3 music downloads to hear the Mp3 instead of listening to the finale playback. Thank you. Enjoy! Fortress.mus Finale 2009 - Fortress.pdf
  4. Hey, I can't use a midi file. It either cuts out about half the instruments or doesn't work. Can i attach a link to the mp3 of my piece for this competition instead of a midi file when I post it up with the PDF?
  5. Dang dude. You say you don't mean to be rude but that was a hella mean thing to say. Be more considerate man, don't kill them over posting their music.
  6. That's great!!! Thankyou sooo much
  7. Well, how ever much more time you are willing to give is how much more time I need.
  8. May you PLEASE extend the deadline, I've got something real good I just need a little more time. Thankyou.
  9. Ya what ever did happen with this competition.
  10. I would like try and do you have a glockenspiel
  11. I know. I play violin so I have tried it myself and I admit it is very hard to get it in tune, though I don't think I have found anything unplayable.
  12. I know, I'm tying to find a way to make it longer.
  13. I wrote this piece for 2 violins, viola, glockenspiel and triangle. Attached is a PDF and Finale file of it. You can listen to the mp3 of it at SoundClick artist: yyoppp - page with MP3 music downloads (It will be called Train Hopping). Enjoy! Finale 2008a - [Untitled2].pdf Train Hopping.MUS
  14. wow, I can not believe I actually put the cello's in alto clef. I must have been like way out of my mind or something.
  15. I need comments on this piece (Heaven) and I need them FAST!!!:excl: Here you can find a link to the mp3 SoundClick artist: yyoppp - page with MP3 music downloads and the PDF is attached Please Comment as fast as possible, I need to mail this in at FOUR PM TODAY:excl: Finale 2008a - [heaven.pdf
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