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Apollo XI

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  1. First uploaded piece in a very long time. x_x So, I just got a great vision for the orchestration of this piece but, for now, here's a simple, minimalist version. I hope it's not too boring/repetitive. If you have any constructive criticism to say specifically about those two things, please let me know. Otherwise, please enjoy. =) 702.mid
  2. Very nice piece. I liked it very much. The piano was also well-written; it isn't the easiest, but it's doable, and it's well-composed. Some violin parts nearly burst my eardrums, but I'm sure that's just due to crappy MIDI sound quality. The violin part was also excellent, too. In general, very good. ^_^
  3. How could I forget you, M? ^_^ I'm sorry to hear that getting my piece performed didn't work out. It flatters me greatly that you at least tried, however. :) The fact that someone wanted to perform one of my pieces inspires me greatly. As for this piece, yeah: I had a nagging feeling the first half of the piece was too monotonous, but I didn't know what to do with it. Perhaps I'll toy around with it a little, and see if a better idea comes to me. Glad to know what you liked it, though. Thanks for the review. =D
  4. First piece I have completed in a very long time. Done in Satie's style. Decided to experiment more with seventh chords and some impressionism. Please let me know what you think. Thanks in advance for listening. ^_^ 737 - As I Watch the Sun Sink.mid
  5. Wow: I never knew about this website. It's ingenious. Thanks for the link. ^_^ I'll try it now.
  6. Neither is the correct piece. The Notturno has a similar sound to the piece I'm looking for, but that isn't it, either. Thanks, anyway. Guess I gotta just look around a little harder. Here's a short clip of the piece; I made it quickly in Sibelius. It may not be 100% accurate, but it's the gist of how the piece goes. Let me know if it sounds familiar, please. beethoven.mid
  7. Heard it at a Choreographer's Showcase on my campus yesterday (basically, a show where students who took a certain dance class present their final project to the public, which is their own choreographed dance). This piece was the music for someone's dance.
  8. I hope this is the right forum to ask for this in. There's this beautiful piece by Beethoven I heard yesterday, but I have no idea what it's called--only know it's by Beethoven. It's in F Major, and it only has a piano and a viola/violin (I'm sure it's a viola more than it's a violin). It's a very simple, yet beautiful piece, like a lullaby: the piano plays arpeggios all throughout, in various forms of the F Major chord, and other chords in the key, and a low F is played occasionally throughout. In general, it's pretty slow, yet moving. Is this ringing a bell in anyone's mind? Please let me know.
  9. Scott Joplin's "The Entertainer." By far, the most frustrating and challenging piece I've had to learn so far (I've been on it for about two months x_x), but it's coming along well. Though I'm nowhere near full-speed, I can play it (slowly but) decently now, up to the F Major part.
  10. Thanks for the replies, everyone. I appreciate them. ^_^ Been busy with school (this past school year was my busiest yet; I got myself involved in 4384092 activities, a Composition course included), among other things, such as looking for internships. I was going for a dreamy/ethereal sound in this piece, which is why I made sure not to make the melody too low. But, perhaps there's a way I could vary the range more without losing this feeling. Thanks, again. ^_^
  11. A little piece I completed recently; my first in a very long time. Somewhat experimental, since I did some new things in this piece I've never done before. Please, listen and let me know what you think of it. ^_^ Thanks in advance. 684 - Skyscraping.mid
  12. Thanks for the reply. I appreciate it. ^_^
  13. Thanks for the advice and replies, everyone. I appreciate it. ^_^
  14. Piece I made like two months ago. I was experimenting with an "impressionist" style. So, lemme know how it came out. :thumbsup: 619___Falling_Leaf.mid
  15. Wow. Awesome piece. For only taking two days, it came out pretty great. I like it. ^_^ Kinda Chopin'esque. Only thing I didn't like was that sometimes, you let the pedal go on for too long (especially when those really low bass notes came); that occasionally muffled up everything in this ugly gurgle. But, other than that, it was awesome. Keep it up. :thumbsup:
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