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Michael Sollis

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About Michael Sollis

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  1. amused?? theres nothing wrong with simple... I mean..... rah... I'm not going to get started here...
  2. The klezmatics are my gods.... freaking awesome music, everyone should check them out.
  3. i like it :)
  4. Hey Neno Google for Markov Chains and Composing Software and you might find a few things. I know there is a Wiki article about it... and I have definently heard the Palestrina example before. Western music isn't exactly algorthmic. If it was then the system would be much simpler, and a simple program "IF this THEN that" could be applied. Stochastic systems and algorthims arn't really mutually exclusive. I'm not sure about the Cope program, as I havn't seen it and I'm not a computer programmer, but I do know that similar programs used to recreate music by Palestrina and even Rachmaninoff to similar effect were based on stochastic matrices.
  5. From what I know about these kind of programs is that most of the programming is based on Markov Chains based on the composers previous works. A Markov Chain is a system where probabilities are assigned to different states, so say using a crude example based on Palestrina: First Note C: Second Note: D = 30%, B = 30%, E = 20%, A = 20% And so forth, so you have a 12x12 matrix with different probabilities assigned to each entry, and then the piece is 'calculated' as a chain moving from one note to the next. It's something I would like to get into. Personally, I think the idea of trying to recreate a Bach-style piece is intriguing and interesting from a mechanical point of view, but kind of useless from an artistic perspective. However, I think that the idea of Markov Chains and Stochastic Systems can be used to create diffreent ideas. I know Xenakis began to look into that, but as I said, its only something I'm just looking into...
  6. Is the earth still flat Paul?
  7. Qccccowboy and montpellier seem the only ones on here with any brains. Of course most of the Mozart and Bach and Beethoven you guys have all heard is good... and that is because they have all stood the test of time. Where are the 80% of the works that you hvant heard? Well it most cases they were either destroyed or noone plays them because they are not up to the same standard. And yes.. I find it odd that in a composition forum everyone here is kind of unaware of anything post-Debussy. Some of the music I hear on the forum scares me it is so dubbed-mozart.
  8. That sounds very interesting... any references???:D :P
  9. has anyone read Huxley's "Doors of Perception" and "Heaven and Hell"??? Very much recommended
  10. i guess what i meant was, that the composed version of P&G in it's entirity is so much better than the sum of its parts.
  11. its hard to take pieces out of such a constructed masterpiece like P&G
  12. the thing is is that people do understand 12 girls... whats there not to understand? and i don't get it... you say your gay, yet your obsessed with their boobs and so forth??? OK well you know I'm drawing some stereotypes here, but hey...
  13. That is rubbish... it is possible that if you started playing in C, moving it up a minor 3rd would give it a quality.. but starting it in Eb or E of F or any other key does nothing
  14. What did you major for your masters and where did you study?
  15. For the 99.9999999% (and I am rounding down) of the population who DON'T have perfect pitch... keys are not different... Of course, different instruments work better on different keys, of course - that is part of their physical construction.. But this does not work for the piano. Your example is worthless. Yes, a C 6 chord is different to a C 13 chord - and yes of course registers are different (please see my first post).. but if you can explain to me the differences between a C6 chord and a D6 chord as played on the piano...
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