Well... to be honest I have no clue how composers of contemporary music work. Back in the days Mozart used to devise a theme or two then build up from that, employing harmony and counterpoint and voice-leading etc. to make it all sound pretty. Later on the rules were relaxed a bit, but there was a steady framework according to which most composers did their job. All of them had the goal to make a good composition, be it pretty like Don Giovanni or ugly like Beethoven's Great Fugue.
Now most composers don't really employ traditional harmony and counterpoint anymore. So how does it work? They surely don't cram a few random notes here and there and call it "Atonal piece for bassoon, organ and marimba" (There probably are some decent pieces for that group out there). There is of course serialism, but what do you do with your tone row? Since anything is okay, how do you know what to do? It doesn't have to sound good by old standards, so every possible combination of notes would work. If you're a minimalist, you take a phrase, change it a little and then again, slowly. Of course these are broad terms so I'm generalising a lot.
Also, how do atonal or really modern fugues work? Some of the ones I've heard don't seem to pay attention to dissonances and their resolutions which are one of the main driving forces of any form of counterpoint. Just having a few voices and let them imitate a theme at some interval doesn't make it a fugue, so what else is there?
Finally, what does the term 20th century harmony mean? Because to be fair, most people who haven't good extremely good ears can't tell the difference between Gb7+11b9 chord and a Bdim7-9+13 chord. I know there are other chord systems than triadic ones, but I don't know how these work. Anyone out there to enlighten me?
I'm not bashing contemporary music here, I'm just wondering about these things as I find it hard to find artistic merit in a piece which is just random notes to me. Please help me understand that a bit better. I personally wouldn't be able to compose a very freestyle composition seeing that I'm a bit lost as to what to do and what not to do even in a strict piece like a fugue after the exposition.