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Jan-Peter last won the day on September 15 2022

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About Jan-Peter

  • Birthday 07/07/1990

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  1. Thank you for your comment and nice you like it. Percussion can be left out indeed, although I did think to make a second movement... Adding choir 😄 and percussion... In the first movement it can be left out yes 🙂
  2. Good question... I think it is very much depended on definitions of self-love, pride, humility etcetera. I think if I would be able to make my ideal perfect piece of music I would reckon it as a gift, not just the result in the end but also the process of writing and everything that went before to make the piece. So as long as I feel prideful, which certainly happens often (as well as feeling insecure), it means I didn't went into the heights and depths of music yet...
  3. Composed something today... Its been a while...
  4. Yes, yes it is incongruent voicings for sure, that's what happens when things fall apart, no? Your left with ruins of the life before, fragments of sensations and memories, apathy and things go downwards as a whole. If you don't eat, you have less energy, it's hard to keep things together. Agreed is more a sketch of something I can and probably will work it out in a more sophisticated and daring manner... I'm not sure how yet if I be true to my larger undertaking, because I try to keep things in a balance. I still want to have a bit of blurry, bumpy, line down over all and and than back to the beginning... Some tend to think art is about having everything in the right order, the perfect harmony, and others tend to think art is about revolution, uproar and chaos. But life is about both, I like them to take together, in one way or another. There must be purpose and narrowfocus but also the blurry, relaxed or decay in the music I write. Sure, if you talk about (Christian) religious music which is connected to a certain ideal state of being, heaven or whatever the religion in question calls it to be, the music will be about bringing this ideal state to earth in one way or another. But if music is a testimony about life as such and you try to play it fair I end up doing this kind of stuff more and more. I'm not attacking you tho, I'm sure my path needs to grow in this but your comment does seem to come from an aesthetics I'm not completely aligned with in my own work, although I love to listen to that kind of purposeful everything-in-place music (whether it is purposeful order or purposeful chaos). I try to balance all the time between purpose and not purpose, that's how I live I guess. I think in our society we tend focus too much on a narrowfocus, we are trained to do so, which is bad for life and love. I feel people should take things together again in our minds and hearts... That's what I try to do for now and my music is a testimony to my own path. Love to hear your thoughts on all of this tho.
  5. When the famine strikes we might have not the energy to compose. What will be your last note?
  6. Thank you Quinn 🙂 I understand your associations very well. Who knows when time travel becomes possible I can zip myself to the beginning of the 20th century to a posh soirée. The wine did help me to get going. I might try later again 🙂
  7. Thank you for your compliments. Happy you could feel the joy I meant it to be. I could look if/when other meters are needed. Have you heard of 'fuzzy logic'? It determines input somewhere between 'completely true' and 'completely false', between 0 and 1. I like the idea since we humans see often so dimly, so vague, so imperfect. If art is a testimony of life it sure should express this fuzzy side of life too. We like so much to have complete clarity and for sure nothing is wrong with clarity. But our clarity is surrounded by uncertainty. Anyway I should stop here, I'm no internet guru today. But I guess if there is meaning to such piece, besides the fun of writing (primarely that), this is the point. Thanks for your comment! 🙂
  8. This is a kind of written improvisation. Made it just for the fun of making it. You might find it funny too or whatever you think you can throw at me in the commentsection. 😄
  9. Hopefully no one relies on a man on the internet for their life choices tho and hopefully you have the ability to put things into perspective that you shouldn't even possibly consider that role. Just saying before some teen who considers studying composition at the conservatory starts valuing a mans opinion on the internet too much, which happens too often sadly.
  10. Great term, the ear-feel. I can feel that. I didn't meant it in a sexual way, no. It is hard to describe in modern language because we tend to relate all those things back 'down' to the physicality of sex. But when I read Plato on Eros it isn't necessary the sexual deed although it is certainly a possibility included. But he uses it in a more broader and I feel deeper sense than most of us can fathom today. In every relationship there is Eros but not necessarily sex... Anyway I could have said 'erotic' but this probably even more loaded with physicality than sensual. I guess you kind of understand what I tried to describe vaguely with 'sensual' as an expression of Eros. Thanks for the article, I'm going to read 🙂
  11. So its a kind of, how do I put this correctly, sensual element in your music? I can understand you won't approach such thing as a logician 🙂
  12. I was looking at this video on the meaning/symbolism of texture in (visual) art and asked myself: how do you guys deal with texture in your music? Because in the classical music since 1900 it seemed to have grown in importance...
  13. I agree one can have just an opinion but if you discuss about it you are going to give arguments and these lead to counterarguments, leading to more arguments etcetera. Why discuss if you don't want to have arguments? I'm fine with someone thinking modern music is terrible noise but if I belong to some sort of evil group because I compose also modern music... Than it heads in a wrong direction pretty fast. And yes you can think modern music is evil, such opinion must be allowed imo, but keep it civilized.
  14. You can take pride in your work just for what it is, not because it is better than someone else work (or your own). You really need to feel better than someone else before you can take pride in your work? Why do you accuse us of being hollow? I just try making the thing I make the best possible thing. Every time again. That's basically everything you can do as a composer, in my opinion. Anyway bye bye ACO.
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