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Behdad last won the day on March 4 2021

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About Behdad

  • Birthday 05/08/1985

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  1. Hi! This is the solo piano version of my piece. Hope you like it!
  2. Hi! I wrote a new version of the etude! In this version both hands exercise equally. I also attached the pdf. Please check it out! Thanks
  3. Thank you very much dear Sahir for your nice comment:)
  4. Hi! These romances are from my album "10 Shrot Romances & Other Stories". I also provided sheet music for three of them. Hope you enjoy! P.S: You can also listen to the whole album in the Spotify
  5. Thank you for your comment :) First of all I should mention that the purple text is not written by me. This a review I paste here. Also I should say I’ve wrote three versions of the etude as mentioned in the review. In every new version the left hand has more important role. This is version I that you can see in the video, version II has more complicated left hand arpeggios with 16 notes and version III is unison like the Hanon. You can also combine these versions yourself.
  6. Hi! I've composed an etude for fingers warming up and I named it: New age Hanon! You can see my performing of it and also read a review by Cathy Parsons from MainlyPiano.com . Hope you enjoy! Pianist/composer Behdad Bahrami has created three versions of what he calls “New Age Hanon.” Each version contains five exercises that flow together as one and are much more melodic and musical than the standard Hanon exercises. Each version is a little different, becoming somewhat more difficult in the left hand by Version 3. Each version is about 4 1/2 pages, so they are a good workout, but not daunting. To make these exercises even more fun, Bahrami has created downloadable backing tracks at seven different tempi that range from 60 beats per minute to 120. These tracks have a strong rhythm that will make them appealing for all ages and many different musical style preferences - not just new age. Right now, the downloads for the scores and the backing tracks are free (please see the links to the left of this review). What a great way to get your fingers, wrists and arms warmed up and strengthened! There is one important difference in these exercises from the traditional Hanon exercises - they do not move up and down the piano keyboard in succession. They do move around the keyboard, but the movement is more like chord changes (I-IV-V) than scales. The fingering is given for each exercise, making the changes easy to spot once you get rolling. Behdad has also created a video for the exercises that is available on YouTube. Fun to watch and very helpful, as it shows his hands in action! It is entertaining as well as educational. I found a few minor problem areas when I was playing the exercises that Behdad said he will fix. In the meantime, here are a few things to watch out for: Version 1: M51-53 has some incorrect notes on the left hand, and M37, 63 and 66 have 10th chords that are hard for many people to reach. Those can be rolled or shortened to an octave. Version 2: M63 and 66 have tenth chords that can be rolled or shortened. Version 3: The fingering for the first exercise (measure 1) should be 4 5 1 2 instead or 4 5 2 3. It also has tenth chords in M63 and 66. Other than those small things, these exercises are a refreshing change from regular old Hanon!
  7. 7 licks that made by me to show the most important aspects of blues piano. There are slow motions in this video as well to make it easier to follow. I'm working on PDF notations and hope can provide them soon.
  8. Thank you for these tips
  9. I was struggling to choose between one or two violins. But in some parts the double notes would be very difficult to play by one violin. Also in one measure there is a contrapuntal motion that I liked it very much! And that made using two violins inevitable!
  10. Thanks a lot :)
  11. Hi everyone! I will be so glad if you listen to my new album "10 Short Romances & Other Stories" on spotify :) I put the link below and I also upload one of the romances with the score here. Hope you enjoy! https://open.spotify.com/album/2wOwTIDkmCrwLyTZLN3qBb?fbclid=IwAR2YLudAo1HQyX2-drJfDYuEaIJXItf-_NcBxAwJdGDwcLhT2EVcichnynw
  12. Thank you for responding. This is my variation on Hanon exercises to make them musical. I also wanted to keep Hanon's simplicity, so I didn't change the tonality and rhythm. And I'm very happy you liked it :)
  13. Hi everyone! I recently wrote a variation on Hanon Exercises and tried to make it beautiful! Would love to know your opinion about it :)

    1. Behdad


      Here is the link:


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