I write music for fun. Sometimes it's stupid and funny, like my 'Songs for Angry Pizza Guys' CD, containing such classics as 'King of the Road', 'Get Out of My loving Way, MGladman', 'You Call That A Tip, Imbecile?' and 'All I Want To Do (is speed a bit)'. Other times it's 'serious' music, like the project I'm working on at the moment, which is my first symphony. Yay!! :P
I know there are professional musicians here. I am stricktly an amateur, everything I know about music I taught myself. So perhaps not surprisingly there are some gaps in my knowledge. Like for example what the second step in this sequence is:
1. Write a symphony
2. ?????
3. Take my rightful place next to Beethoven in the world's collective memory
Don't bother answering with 'write more music', I am, the more I write the better it gets too, and I'm certainly not presuming to become world famous after one symphony. (that's what the second symphony is for)
But still, how does one get one's music in the international repotoire? I'm perfectly happy to wait until I'm dead and then have my music 'discovered' by my biographer and advocate in the future, but I'd like some assurances that this will happen. Otherwise, I might have to resort to mailing out my manuscripts to orchestras worldwide.