Allright, it's too late for me to be doing this but whatever...
So the water one - really liked it as far as thematic material goes, definetly made me think of water, it carries itself nicely, although it is peaceful and slow I find the pizz gives it a certain momentum that carries you through till the end. My only complaint is length, I feel you have enough ideas in there to carry the piece on much longer, I was enjoying it enough to listen to it for much longer than what you provided. I'm not sure I would want to study the thought process or theory behind the creation of this piece, largely due to the fact that the length restricts your developement and perspective on the various ideas you present in the piece. I think you could safely elongate this piece without jeapordizing (probably spelt that sucker wrong) the impact of what you have already completed. You use strings very nicely, and I have a certain softspot for people who emphasize strings, so I look forward to more orchestral pieces from you