I've been writing music for 5 years already. Now mostly classical but I suppose I could also write music for films. But everything I write is heard and appreciated only by my family and friends. I have no musical education (I dropped my piano lessons when I was 12. I'm 21 now.) I don't want to study music in any conservatory or musical university. I just want to write music. I want it to be heard.
My music might be very beautiful and enchanting but it might be boring and not interesting at all. Let's assume it might be either. (I don't want to upload it to youtube because I'm afraid someone might use it for himself) So, I must take it somewhere. To someone who would listen to it, and, if it's really worth, use it somewhere. I write symphonies, so I need the sheet music to be corrected (by someone who knows the specifics of each instrument) and the orchestra to play it. Also I write pieces for the piano. Sometimes something on the synthesizer.
P.S.: I live in Russia. And I play the piano. Chopin, Bach, e.t.c.
What I'm asking is where I could take the music. Not to write it just for myself. I want to write music, to be known as a very talented composer (If I'm worth anything that is), to be paid for it. Pop/rock artists just need a producer to promote them. What do I, a classical composer, need?