Listen only to the drums in this 17 seconds sample and tell me how would one re-produce those drums? I currently only have NI Studio Drummer which comes with 3 kits, but they can't reproduce this drum sound. It seems the drums are "sandy" if I can say, but its not necessarily brushes i would say.. I don't know... has that sort of drum room effect also, but no reverb necessarily, hard to describe. Also, in that same sample, starting at around 11 seconds till end, how to make that longer sound with the drums? Again, looks to me like some sort of sandy ambiance going on with this drum kit the composer is using, and can someone tell me what part of the drum is that exactly? sounds like combo between crash cymbal and hi-hats, but not sure... maybe a special kind? link: same composer, different sample of 7 seconds, those drum hits and that longer drum sound effect: Thanks for your time guys! Dan