i actually listened to this piece when you first posted it months ago. but was so obsessed with atonal music that i thought this piece was crap. not now!
i could imagine sitting by the window just listening to the rain. =)
i have to admit its a very effective piece and i enjoyed listening to it.
it had a slight sence of the dorian mode in the first few bars which i liked, as if it were in G major, but that's just me i guess =P
i didn't really like the Bb B natural at b.43 and elsewhere, it just came out too sudden, and (no offence) it gave me a feeling that you wanted to show off you could use that diminished chord.it just didn't fit in, probably the sudden change of rhythimic figure? i don't think it suits in this particular piece. (even if u wanted to, perhaps an A# would be more correct)
the thunder gave me a scare lol maybe you could perform it piano and soundtrack. =P nice work.