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About FlorianLinckus

  • Birthday 01/21/1984

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    Radewege, Germany
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  1. here is the contrastpiece called the cellarfloor: http://www.impressive-music-production.de/previews/gw-kellergang.mp3 It supposed to create a funny but mystical mood.
  2. Hey guys, here is a new version of the Rolly Theme i wrote last year for the short "Rollygeddon" wich won many festival awards. http://www.impressive-music-production.de/rollys-thema2008.mp3 more about rolly(geddon): ROLLYGEDDON - Offizielle Homepage zum Film (german!) or SoeinSchmarn.de - Alles andere ist Schmarrn... (german!) best wishes
  3. Hey Ret, thanks for commenting and for the critic, i personally thought on the final piece to give more, but the director didn't wanted more, but i will (for personal use) do anonther Version of it. I'd like to bring more dramatic in it. On the Mozart i think you are right, i will overwork that Cymbals a bit and swap it with other Sounds to get maybe a more modern touch on it. Maybe i do a little brutalise on it *lol* but i think Mozart would kill me for that :D rofl I used EWQLSO Gold XP for that records, its kind out of the box, i just added a bit reverb on the whole renders. best wishes Florian PS: There is coming one more piece soon wich is quit funny against that epic music. ;)
  4. Hey Alex, thanks for listening, Lady in the Water was a great inspiration to this Music. I love that Score its so wonderful and epic. Although i look for my inspirations often to James Horner at least "Land Before Time" gave me the hit for this final Theme version. best wishes
  5. Hi there, here is a selection of preview written music for the tv-series "The Secrets Of The Glowing Worms". I wrote that pieces after the first Treatment and selected Scenes. The first one is the major Theme wich i think is one of the best Themes i've ever done. The second one is a little Piano version of the Theme wich discribes a scene where everything is lost but the hope didn't died yet. The third was a funny thing to do, i used the BirdCatcher from "The Magic Flute" by Mozart and Chopins Funeral Marsch. The Scene is about the Kids (as called the glowing worms) chasing a Bird and at end the bird crashes into a windows and dies, the kids are lightly shocked. The last piece is the "showdown" of the kids and the evil with a dramatic end. Its hard to tell about the story but i am not allowed to tell to much so i hope its okay with that short discriptions. 1. The Secrets Of The Glowing Worms - Theme http://www.impressive-music-production.de/previews/gw-thema.mp3 2. Piano Solo http://www.impressive-music-production.de/previews/gw-piano.mp3 3. The Bird Catchers http://www.impressive-music-production.de/previews/gw-federn.mp3 4. DeWinter Showdown http://www.impressive-music-production.de/previews/gw-wintereinbruch.mp3 best wishes, Florian
  6. Here is the scoresheet, but i must say i didn't find the time yet to overwork it and the audiofile is also not updated, i did some little changes wich you can see/hear. best wishes, Florian Raphaels Schicksal.pdf
  7. Hi Jada, thanks very much, an english version is in progress and wil follow soon, best wishes, FL
  8. Well i have to thanks, i really didn't want to get you angry or so. But everyone begins one time and have to "grow" and i think you will grow with every piece you write, i i remember the first pieces i wrote back in 2002 i would say the same to myself. lol Well try to get Cubase SE3 and EWQLSO Gold Edition (maybe with XP Pro) for a good deal, there sound much better than FL-Studio, wich is more made for electromusic i think. I also started with Fruity Loops back in 2001 ;) so its not wrong to get first steps in composition! Sorry if the "critic" was a bit hard, i didn't mean it that way :) (bad english^^) best wishes FL
  9. Well, don't take it the worng way but this piece isn't really good, either in orchestration or in the whole composition, the chords sounds really wrong to me, would be fine to get an analysis from you, why you come in that chords and why you used it. The MP3 File sounds MIDI, thats a big negativ point to. Let the Strings live, let the Piano live and not so strong and accurated performence. in short words, i think you'll need to study musictheory before writing for small or big ensembles to get an feeling for the musicans and a feeling for writing good music. It sounds here (i know thats really hard) that you used that notes you just found on your keyboard and they are just won't work. Thats my ciritc, but don't take it the wrong way, thats how i felt when hearing, i switched off after 2min cause it bored me. best wishes for future, F
  10. Thats a piece i wrote of the filmmusic from "Receptacle" i composed 2 years ago. That piece is Part II of II (I is coming soon). It discribes how the maincharacter comes free with the love of an prostitute (she won't be a prostitute anymore). He sells dreams but he can't forfill his own, so Valerie (the P) is helping him to find a way to live his own dreams. Finally they come togheter and he get free. With the more atonal part i discribe the world wich is raphael stucked in, a cold iceworld where he can not move and he is freezing. (thats his dream from wich he can't get free) I developed here 3 Main Themes, the first (Main-Main Theme if you will) if Raphaels Theme, then on 4.40mins the Destiny Theme shows up and later with the Solo-Voice its Valeries Theme. I will make them clearer in the first movement. Thanks for listening and sorry for that bad discription. http://www.impressive-music-production.de/raphaels_schicksal2.mp3 best wishes, F
  11. I would say actually its the "Lord Of The Rings" Symphony by Howard Shore ;) 3 Hours ;) has anyone done more?
  12. I liked it, but how Nick said, its more a "put together" of cool things other composers did before you than a really good composed new track. The Scoresheet i really crappy to read while listening to it. I would prefere a much stronger Theme wich could lead that piece but its not so strong to lead. Its more a 2nd Theme that the Major. Some Parts are well notated, but in that piece is really no own style, much was taken from others (not plagiate! but stylisch) and thats what i am missing in so much case of Composers today, there own "color". But well, what don't is yet can become ;) so keep composing!
  13. Hi mael, i must disagree. There is a Main Theme (wich comes often to get my developementstyle kown) and the quietness for concerts is also not an minus for an orchestrawork, why? There is a lot happening in that piece, lot of modulation etc lots of musical-colors (orchestration). I think what you talking about is more your wish for more triumphant moments ;) See Beethovens 2n Movement of the fifth Symphony, its mostly very quit with some triumphant moments, and yes original it is filmmusic, but that piece is written for an orchestra. I will post the scoresheet later. best wishes Florian
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