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Composition86 last won the day on October 10 2020

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    Mathematics, physics and music

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  1. Hi Sepharite, thanks, I really appreciate these kind of feedbacks. Well done spotting Joe Hisaishi's influence, his logo for Kitano's movies was my main inspiration for this one. Yes, that modulation is quite abrupt and definitely splits the piece into two parts, but I like the fact that a 12 seconds composition can still contain an interesting harmonic structure. I am not totally convinced about the similarity with Windows: indeed, there is some Windows feel in it, especially the older ones (maybe Windows 95 or Windows Me?), which just happened to be there (I have been using Linux and MacOS for the last 10 years, so...). I decided to listen to all the Windows logos up to the latest ones, but I wouldn't say that it is too similar. But I may be wrong, so I would be very happy if you could tell me which one you mean. Thanks again.
  2. Ok, that is clear now, thanks a lot.
  3. Hi PaperComposer, thanks for the nice and useful comment. To be honest, I was playing on the piano around the E- chord, added the F7 | Bb progression, then I just thought the Ab and Esus2 were nice chords to finish up. Since you noticed that there is a tritone substitution, do you mind helping me out a bit to understand what is going on here with the harmonic functions? My interpreation is that, while the main key is Emin, there seems to be a temporary modulation to Bb major through the F7 tritone substitution (sub B7), which resolves to Bb. Ab is still in Bb major, and then suddenly goes back to. I don't see a clear link between Ab and Esus2, but it sounds ok . Does it make sense to you?
  4. Hi, I haven't been posting for a while. Today I finished up this 12 seconds piece, which is meant to work as a logo for some hypothetical asian movie company, so no big american companies. It's very short and I'm aware it's actually quite simple. My task was experimenting with some new compositional techniques I learned and to catch the listener's attention for that brief moment. I would like to hear about your opinion! Score is attached.
  5. Ok, a strange competition. :P I have read the whole part: first, thanks for your appreciation. I have to say that I wrote that piece some time ago: my conception of music was different, I didn't know nothing about harmony (it' pretty easy to hear) and it was written by ear. Also for these reasons there are some weird choices, but it sounded good to me and I like when music is "unpredictable".
  6. Silva I really enjoyed your piece, expecially the moderato part. :) Personally I'm glad that my score was quite close to yours, I didn't expect it. Also PoW's piece is nice. ;) I have a question: is it just my impression, or we were the only 3 entrants in this competition? :lol:
  7. I forgot about this competition and I thought it was over. Despite the fact that the level of the other compositions is higher than mine, I would like to participate with a piece that I have already posted some months ago. LINK Very simple, but I still like it.
  8. This improvisation deserves far more attention. ;) Very nice job.
  9. I have listened to both SergeofArniVillage's and Composerorganist's pieces: very good music, despite the fact I found the winner's one closer to my tastes. :P Congrats.
  10. Thank you, I will try it and let you know.
  11. Hi, I'm searching for a good solfege program with a complete "Identify tone" mode. I tried GNU Solfege, a really nice program, but it isn't what I'm searching for, I will explain way. I would like to select each note that the program should play, for example I want to train my ears to distinguish between Eb, E and F, so the program must have a kind of table with the possibility to choose only these three notes. GNU Solfege, instead, allows to choose between preset combinations, not so useful to me. Hope that you know the right solfege program, thanks. :)
  12. Thank you for your appreciation and observations. I sincerely thought that this piece wasn't that good and I'm still thinking so because when I composed it I didn't know nothing about harmony, so it sounds quite static, there's no evolution (nor the chord progression neither the melody), it is only a bunch of ideas but they clearly show me a scene, which is the good part. However I'm happy to read some positive comments, it's a good starting point.
  13. Hi, I'm a big fan of oriental music in general. This is a good work, which needs improvements to become a very good work, but you did the most difficult part and you are on the right way. The first thing would be a better recording, this one sounds so empty! The main melody is nice and you have to know that it is playing in my mind since yesterday, this is very important. Love the atmosphere, I think that harmonizing with extra notes would give a better effect: it sounds thin to my ears because it has only melodies and basses, it is quite minimalist.
  14. Nice composition, despite the fact I personally prefer soundracks with more evident melodies (like you did in intro and the short piece at 2:29). Not so visual to me, it's quite obscure so I can't see clear coloured images, but there are many themes condensed, so it's a pleasure to listen to, there are no boring parts. Sometimes it seems that it could fit good in a fantasy movie, when it is the evil's turn! :P But there are many shades, so it's difficult to assign to a single scene, it is like many ideas linked together, following a logical path. There's nothig to say about realization: sounds, harmonies and orchestration, everything is perfect and very professional.
  15. Hi, thank you for listening. I thought that a longer intro (around 20 seconds) would be useful to get the listener into the atmosphere, I will study a better one next time. Can I ask you what which works of Zimmer you are reffering to? I don't know nothing about him, but it certainly will be inspiring to listen to something new.
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