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About BryanSegers

  • Birthday 01/25/1994

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Profile Information

  • Biography
    Bryan A.J Segers (1994 - )

    "Music is my way of seeing and experience the world. by that i meen the world in general but most important: the world inside myself."

    studied Composition and piano at the conservatory of Amsterdam. won several prices for piano and composition.
  • Gender
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  • Occupation
    Composer, Arranger, Pianist.
  • Interests
    composing, playing the piano , culture
  • Favorite Composers
    C.V Alkan, Liszt, Chopin, Stravinsky, Hamelin, Bach, Beethoven, Korngold, Mozart, L. Mozart, Couperin, Poulenc, Tansman, Schönberg, Lyapunov, Chabrier, Guilmant, Bowen, Balakirev, Sibelius, Kapustin, Delius, Reich, Wolf-Ferarri, A. Mathieu, Stockhausen, Ligeti, Nancarrow
  • My Compositional Styles
    Neo-Romantic,Romantic, Contemporary , classical, modern.
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    sibelius 6, Pen+Paper
  • Instruments Played

BryanSegers's Achievements


Explorer (4/15)

  • Eight Years in
  • Five Years in
  • Six Years in
  • Seven Years in
  • Four Years in

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  1. try to stay calm. think about you going up stage and playing. exact the same moves you would make probably. also try not to worry. focus is number one. i always have a problem with this. i think of the audiance and it makes me nervous :). think about the music instead. try to " NOT CARE" . just enjoy the music your making on stage. maby try new phrasing out. do something fun. music is alive. you can study 95% the other 5% is making it come allive instead of showing your rehersal practice perfectly. also imagenary things can help. when i play Chopins Polonaise op 53. i always think of a super hero and the way he defeat enimies and other scenario's haha. the audience is just there to listen. nothing more. you are the boss on stage :) maby even a scent can help. imagen how flowers smell or smoke. find something that helps you best
  2. finally found a pianist who is technically good enough to play my music besides myself on stage

  3. I'll wait for more details. If it sounds good , I'm in. i dont like competitions and competing tho, but if it is a nice challange thats new for me i'd like to give it a shot.
  4. this is ear and theory training ( make it as difficult as you like ). for I-phone : Tenuto
  5. i had to arrange disney music for a prety big windband/ensemble ( about 50 players ) did beauty and the beast, trew century fox in and pinocchio. what i found about disney music is that they almost imitate that the frame does :). for examble when belle is at the fountain singing. and opens her book and speaks of a prince charming . you see a big castle. you then hear horns. they make it romantic like. but prety minimalistic. they take a lot of same material and instrumentate everytime differently. they play with there material. prety french like. a lot of windinstrumentes, secondly a lot of strings, and thin or short lines for brass to accent a moment, but mostly they just play chords. and collour. same with the xhylophone. its collour more then a new role. i think there formula is just simply playing with your material. make it exiting, dreamy and beautifful. like kids. they have these eyes filled with wonder. they want to know everything. they want to explore and such :). i think you should have fun like a child when writing for these movies. i sure had fun while arranging ^^ haha.
  6. tired from al the bad pop music thats being posted here

    1. Sojar Voglar

      Sojar Voglar

      I suggest you write down the nicknames of these noobs who post this crap and simply avoid them when seeing their name again. ;)

    2. BryanSegers


      sounds like a good idea :)

    3. Thatguy v2.0

      Thatguy v2.0

      You can't hide from my music forever

  7. hardest instrument is church organ i think :3.
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