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Dustin Hahn

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About Dustin Hahn

  • Birthday 02/04/1991

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  1. This reminds me of something Eric Whitacre would write.
  2. Could you email me the Mp3 of this? This piece is on par with the other great symphonic work I listen to for inspiration and I would love to listen to this a lot! I'm really inspired to compose now. Thank you for sharing this!
  3. I think a second section would be great after the repeat. How about trying a different key for this new section too?
  4. This piece is very beautiful. Please, do not change a thing. You don't even have to add text to it if you don't want to. It's beautiful either way. Message me when you finish your next piece! I'm love your music.
  5. Why can't I see my avatar?

  6. Why can't I see my avatar?

  7. This is about a minute long and was written for my theory class. There is more development to be done but I just thought I'd ask you all what you thought of it so far. Santa Crashed His Sleigh Into a Volcano.pdf Santa Crashed His Sleigh Into a Volcano.mp3
  8. Hey, thanks for your feedback guys. I have performed the show now and am going to post it in the Major Works section when I get home tonight. :) You will all be impressed! (I am...)
  9. I have been putting hours into this and no one has ANYTHING to say about it!? Not one thing?
  10. Oh, by the way, some feedback on the music would be nice (just for the general orchestration). I like it, but I want to know what you all like about it and what you think could be improved. This is mostly for Matches and the chorus finale. Should I post mus files?
  11. Hey guys! It's Dustin! I haven't been here for a while but I thought I ought to drop a post here and give you all an update on how my musical is going. I think this video can give you all a taste (we are now starting the blocking): I am feeling pretty good about this project right now! You should all subscribe to this youtube channel and show your support! I will be posting at least one new rehearsal every week.
  12. Wow, a new scale to use. Thanks for posting that, MidiKareshi!
  13. Well, I am going to pray that the youtube videos I posted help them out. I also think I am going to give them all a CD with the music on it and tell them how important it is that they give it twenty of thirty minutes of practice a day (and hour or more for a lead). I also think that having rehearsals twice a week, rather than one will help. Thanks for your thoughts, guys!
  14. Something like this? YouTube - PracticeLMG's Channel
  15. I could not really figure out what subject this thread would fit under. So, please don't lecture me on posting in the wrong forum. This was the closest I could find to the subject. Anyway, I have written a musical for my senior project and it's going well. But I am having difficulty teaching everyone their parts! >.< I will give them their notes to sing. But I feel like that isn't enough because when I see them a week later, they have to learn it all over again and it's starting to concern me. We have exactly two months to put this thing together and these are not the only pieces we have to learn. YouTube - DustinHahnMusic's Channel If you have any advice on how to teach this in an effective way that will stick with the actors, please share it. Thanks! :)
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