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About Harle

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  1. Never 'composed' in your head before? It's just the assembling of parts... I don't believe there is a strict definition to composing, and as far as I'm concerned if anyone believes there is, they are wrong. There's a distinction between hearing music in your head and applying the music in your head, but I can't say I've ever written a melody I didn't hear in my head first.
  2. Cello... A few years ago I had to choose between spending all my money on a cello or spending it all on samples... I chose samples and it was the right decision, but I still want a cello. I'd also love to learn clarinet or bassoon.
  3. Hmmm... My musical roots stem from a scene or a location that I get stuck in my head for long periods of time. For the last year or so, I've taken inspiration from the deep sea almost exclusively. Specifically marine snow, or those boiling jet things... I think the darkest parts of the ocean have a musical personality that just can't be described, and that's where I start most recent work. Then I involve more personal emotions in the work and bring it to life, so to speak... Before that, everything I wrote revolved around the image of a secluded, wintry thicket with a huge city across the sky in the background... So... Yeah. As for a specific musician or style that influenced me, I can't say I haven't been swayed by anything from Fiona Apple to the Carnival of the Animals....
  4. Bah! I wish I could compose away from the piano. If I'm ever on the go, I'll forget anything that pops into my head.
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