The Composer’s Community Project (ccp) is an experimental platform for music. The aim is to encourage compositions of all musical genres, which will be presented in this blog. Whether it’s Classic, Contemporary Music, Jazz, Rock, Pop, Hip Hop, Indie, Crossover, Folk Music and and and
Through the WorldWideWeb ccp wants to reach people, who are open towards new musical and creative experiments – composers, musicians and everybody who loves to write music to be part of the project! The main issue of ccp is to enjoy composing: the platform provides the possibility to share the music with others and to get to know the variety of pieces that are created. The works will be presented on this platform as well as the composers. ccp is also a chance for networking and communication within the blog and other social media platforms.
“a melody :: a thousand songs”
The Composer’s Community Project is starting with the experiment “a melody :: a thousand songs”. A diversity of compositions will be generated on the basement of a few melodic themes, that have one thing in common: recognizable melodies. The pieces will be collected in a playlist and presented in this blog. They illustrate how diverse and various compositions all created on the same basis can be!
How to do
Choose three of the four melodies below and create on this basis your individual composition. Which key and tone pitch, rhythm, note value, instrumentation and arrangement, lengths of the piece, whether with vocals and text or without – it all depends on your creativity.
The chosen melodies can be extended just as you like – you can compose around them developing your own musical themes. Please note: the melody lines as given should not be changed. Everything besides this is up to you.
How to be part of it
Record a mp3-file of your piece till the 25th of October 2011 and send it to
All submitted songs and pieces will be collected in a playlist and linked on different social media platforms.
Important: With your name, short bio (approx. 4-5 sentences), photo and eventually your website we can introduce you and your work in an optimum way.
If you have any questions – don’t hesitate to contact us:!
Be part of this experiment and share your music with us! – We are looking forward to your song!
For further information please visit our blog or write a mail to