set of waltzes, nine in total, but stitched together in one. I have tried to keep the style Viennese, as opposed to the Chopinesque waltz that is generally written for the piano.Details:Waltz I: F major with variationsWaltz II: A minor, ends in A majorWaltz III: D flat major, with the Viennese characteristic Atempause rubatoWaltz IV: F sharp minorWaltz V: D major/F sharp majorWaltz VI: D major with trioWaltz VII: F major, an interludeWaltz VIII: C minor with trio in C majorWaltz IX: E majorCoda: With themes from Waltz I, VIII and IX.The software, of course, cannot do justice to the rubato. I reckon it would sound better when played. Tempo changes can be arbitrary, I just tried to make it how I would play it. Critique?