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About cain777

  • Birthday 05/02/1986

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  1. Marius!!! Wow its been a while since I have been on this forum. I say at least a year. Any who, I hope all is well which Im sure it is, since you are super talented. This piece was great, as stated earlier the percussion thing is kind of your signature. LASS sounds great. I watched their spiccatto demo a while back, I was floored. Im just waiting to see how EW hollywood strings turns out. :) Your employer helped you buy lass?! Thats awesome, who you working for?
  2. I love space themes. I can imagine this in like a thinking/ problem solving montage in a movie. awesome. have you though about orchestrating it?
  3. Awesome, DEAN IS ON THIS FORUM NO WAY!! AWESOME!! hey dean, I listened to some your stuff from Soundsonline before, but to comment on the piece you posted. It sounds really good. Im still amazed with your sense of orchestration. Have you considered giving a helping hand on the lessons forum. I would love to take some tips from you. By the way, darkmatter and overworld are still awesome.
  4. October!!! -gotta love that one. especially when the horns come in. i honestly think williams was very inspired by this fella.
  5. damn, sorry about the mess up with the name. I put fought instead of fight
  6. here ya go dude, It sounds good by they way. I found it to be very interesting, and I loved the dynamics. hope you didnt mind that I listened to it. Those who fought.MID
  7. oh snaps dude, your totally right. Thanks, im so glad you told me that. otherwise. I would have gone for the competition upgrade special that sibelius offers. Man, im an idiot. I should read the manual
  8. hopefully, Finale 08, will have an easier entry method. Their speedy entry is too confusing for me. i like sibelius's entry method. I wonder if there is any plug ins that would allow me to customize the speedy entry, because I like the sibelius demo, but I have spend too much money on finale to let it go. Also, Sibelius 5's idea bin is definitely gonna be a time saver. Finale needs to come up with easier plug ins, and make it a little less confusing, but its so powerful though, its like a dilemma for me.
  9. Marius, good to see ya again pal.Also glad that you working on a project, because I always look forward to your pieces. well, here come my comments. I like the first one, the one with the piano. Saturn was really emotional, but rather short, still good though. The battle scene was great, it reminded me of one of my favorite games, Metal Gear Solid. Man, all your stuff sounds pretty realistic, and really well developed. You must show me the ways of the force. haha . See ya later
  10. Thanks for the reply QC, I too think my orchestration is very thin, and does not carry the sweet and tender characteristics that the Woodwinds are capable of. My ideal orchestration for the woodwinds is pictures at an exhibition, when the promenade is in minor. But I wouldnt know where to start on how achieve a sound like that. What would you suggest QC. So far, the only thing I think about is giving other instruments the melody. How can I make them sound full. other than avoid unisons
  11. Hey qc, Here is my second take at orchestration for just the woodwinds. I came closer to the results that I wanted this time. But please, feel free to critique and let me know whats going on, as I always enjoy your input. sorry I took so long to give another take, but now i have more time dude to school being out, now im getting ready for Chapman university. Ill post another take by this week W. Winds Take 2.MUS
  12. Hey guys, I want to thank you guys for your replies. They were pretty good ideas. Nikolas, thanks pal. I dont know why i didnt think of that before. I should use my resources much better. thanks very much. Fourthage. thanks for the tip. it did give a more authentic feel. And the link was a good resource as well.. Thanks pal.. Keep em coming guys. THanks
  13. Hello guys, A buddy of mine has asked me to write some music for him to go along with his commercial for school. There is mimes in their and I want to give them like a pepe le piu sound, very romantic. any tips on how to I go about and acheive this feel and sound.. My buddy has asked for three different variations by next week so im in a lil of a hurry. Any help would be appreciated.
  14. hey dude, thanks for the reply. yes, thats called step time. But there is another way of entry via midi controller, flexi time. Thats pretty much note entry in real time. I tried several times using that method but the notation was weird. I would have to play spot on with the click in order for it to play what i want notated.
  15. Hey guys, Im still trying out the sibelius demo. And I just wanted to know if there is a quantize or quantize like function for sibelius. I know for sure that finale does. It really comes in handy when entering notation with a midi controller. Any reply would be appreciated guys. thanks.
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