Thank you Robin, I totally understand what you're saying. Unfortunately I do not play with real musicians. When I do write these bass lines, you are right, it does lose something in it's translation because of it not being what it is meant to be. The good thing is that we do live in a world of software which under the circumstances allows me to play with bass or any other instrumentation I choose. It is better than having no bass at all, at least for me.
The term free seemed apropo. It's simply what I work with these days. I haven't played in quite some time and my ideas need nourishment.
I listened to your music several times, actually at your personal webpage, and I think you are an extremely talented composer/musician! I was pleasantly surprised at the level in which you guys perform. A pleasure indeed Robin. I sit humbled pertaining to your education in the jazz idiom! I have never studied per se. In fact I play with a no name student model tenor I bought from EBay, which is blasphemy for any self respecting musician, as well as using a stock mouthpiece. Maybe one day I will upgrade.
I personally do not like the genre/classification thing much. It's merely a subjective opinion what goes where.
I respect your knowledge Robin and I thank you for your encouragement.
Much success in your career my friend!