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About xanic

  • Birthday 11/14/1993

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  • Location
    In my house
  • Occupation
    I think my job is to live...
  • Interests
    I like doing what I like

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  1. Where is the solo part? Can you give a time frame? I'm guessing somewhere around 2:00
  2. I purchased my version of Finale 2009 from this website: Musical Progressions - Music Software for musicians, Notation, Guitar, Audio Recording, Ear training and More. because it has the lowest price for Finale that I've seen (academic). They didn't even ask for academic proof. They also offer free shipping. I was skeptical about buying from a website that I've never heard about, but it wasn't a bad experience. I'd rather buy expensive products from places I know, like YC. It'd be nice to have those prices here.
  3. Mixolydian!
  4. I'd like to see the trailer and this song together :)
  5. No problem, now I know where to look if I ever need to in the future :D
  6. http://www.youngcomposers.com/forum/creating-string-harmonics-finale-2007-a-13771.html Searching "harmonics in finale" on Google and clicking the first link.
  7. You got a few letters right :w00t: I was just looking on the Northern Sounds forum and happened to see your name on one of those "Recent Posts" things. Can't wait to hear the recording btw :thumbsup:
  8. Try changing the sample rate/format for your sound card. I have the same thing and I have "Realtek HD Audio Manager" where I can change that.
  9. Finale doesn't seem to be running well with vista... I've used Printmusic on my desktop on XP, and it worked fine until I switched to vista. It just has crashes whenever I try to playback or save. Now on my laptop (with vista also), I can't save it as an audio file, and this is a brand new laptop.
  10. This might help: What's New in Sibelius 5: Stunning new sounds
  11. Wow, what an old thread.
  12. NOTION Progression
  13. -The Complete Idiot's Guide to Music Composition -The Complete Idiot's Guide to Music Theory Those are what I use. Great for beginners I guess.
  14. So I'm just wondering, how do you guys start composing pieces? I've been on a bit of a break from classical music for a while and feel like coming back. So.... yeah.... I never really learned how to start a piece. The way I did it for a couple of my guitar songs (still not done though) was like this: 1. Pick a key + Mode 2. Make a chord progression 3. Make a melody and that just pretty much makes the foundation. I'm stuck on what I should do next, so I thought I would get some ideas on what you guys do.
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