17 March
This year ive chosen composition as my elective for music for my high school certificate. I have to submit 3 pieces. Each has to be a maximum of 3 minutes.
The first piece I'm showing (symphony allegro in Ab major, needs a title!) is the one I had to submit last week as part of my half yearly mark, so it is not complete. I decided to get advice on where to go before making any changes
Ill make my own comments on it first:
I spent all night before handing this in doing work on it. So some things didnt go to plan. The trumpet for example, i wish was not even in there and it totally ruined the audio clip, so you'll have to sort of ignore it when listening to the recording.
The double bass part at the start of the piece needs an instrument to double it, as commented by my teacher, im thinking cello.
I tried experimenting with counterpoint and dovetailing as far as it goes for compositional devices.
I didnt plan this piece out from the start, it just came along as I learnt more about orchestration. So I cant say anything about the form, I actually deleted an entire section a while back.
I will post my other pieces when they are ready, I will have to submit a "half complete" one in about 4 weeks so I hope to show something before then.
SoundClick MP3: Unagi - Band page with free MP3 music downloads on SoundClick
You can request another format for the score and ill have a look...
THANK YOU for your time
Project 3 final.sib