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About JRSB

  • Birthday 10/16/1989

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  • Biography
    i wear brown pijamas and ive had way too much crack
  • Location
    In a web banner
  • Occupation
    make websites look stupid
  • Interests
    Sticking my thumbs up

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  1. Take a look at Guru Im using it, its great for getting quick drum patterns.
  2. "Solar System Symphony"
  3. You're a terrible composer:cool:
  4. 17 March This year ive chosen composition as my elective for music for my high school certificate. I have to submit 3 pieces. Each has to be a maximum of 3 minutes. The first piece I'm showing (symphony allegro in Ab major, needs a title!) is the one I had to submit last week as part of my half yearly mark, so it is not complete. I decided to get advice on where to go before making any changes Ill make my own comments on it first: I spent all night before handing this in doing work on it. So some things didnt go to plan. The trumpet for example, i wish was not even in there and it totally ruined the audio clip, so you'll have to sort of ignore it when listening to the recording. The double bass part at the start of the piece needs an instrument to double it, as commented by my teacher, im thinking cello. I tried experimenting with counterpoint and dovetailing as far as it goes for compositional devices. I didnt plan this piece out from the start, it just came along as I learnt more about orchestration. So I cant say anything about the form, I actually deleted an entire section a while back. I will post my other pieces when they are ready, I will have to submit a "half complete" one in about 4 weeks so I hope to show something before then. Link: SoundClick MP3: Unagi - Band page with free MP3 music downloads on SoundClick You can request another format for the score and ill have a look... THANK YOU for your time Project 3 final.sib
  5. Thanks solved the problem
  6. How do I stop instruments not appearing when ever my score runs onto a new page? - Thanks
  7. Awww don't be so down. I actually troll here sometimes and look at the critisism people give, it helps in looking at my own pieces. So its not really all to waste even though you have received no acknowledgement....
  8. I actually need someone to review my work. I'm still thinking wether its worth getting a composition teacher. What do you guys think?
  9. That second link Mark posted is extremely helpful, I needed a better idea of what sort of rolls the instruments have in the orchestra in terms of harmony and melody. I've studied orchestral scores at school so I don't think I'll have too much a problem. I also bought EastWest symphonic which so far is giving a pretty full sounding orchestra. Thanks for your help guys
  10. that is the same routine I go through when Im not lazy but on the scales, do chromatic, doing cres/descresendos, staccato and contrary motion Other than that there are only small excercises like aural
  11. heh well Ive never done a composition for a whole orchestra before, only quartets and piano pieces. What I would really like is information relavant to composing for an orchestra such as techniques any souces would be helpful - but thanks for your reply Mark
  12. I think I could benefit in your advice as some pieces you guys submit on here are great. In short: I have 3 pieces to be submitted by around June Im planning on doing it all orchestral, not sure what styles. 2 of the pieces can be like 2 movements, they are my core pieces but all of them must be 2 - 3 minutes. Im following this marking guidline: - demonstrates Understanding of styles, musical concepts - demonstrates skills in organising musical structures So it is important for me to plan what I will compose. I'de like to do something like a waltz, but how can I expand on this. (what are concepts of waltz, what other ideas i can integrate) If you can not answer this then lets say: You have been given this assesment, what style piece would you like to compose and what ideas would you have in them I know its a complicated process but I want to plan out the whole thing right now. - Thanks :P
  13. Im out of ideas as of inspirations for music I want to compose and I dont think the markers will think much if I pull something out of my donkey. Are there any free sites with sound clips of classical composers? - thanks Jim
  14. Pin whistle
  15. JRSB

    Philip Glass

    :D my thread idea! Not that much to say about him... Lets all just start counting in random order
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