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About Thewritingwriter

  • Birthday 09/22/1988

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  • Biography
    weell,i'm a fairly new composer(writing music since last year)looking for small projects to undertak
  • Location
    South of England
  • Occupation
    Student! but hopefully game composer sometime in the future!
  • Interests
    wirting/playing music,reading,films,games

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  1. Hey, well we've been having loads of exams at school, not had much time to post but i've been checking in every now and then, :) hope to be back and a bit more active soon! oh how are things working out for Quintessence? Would you still like me to maybe compose something for it or am I a bit late now? sorry, i've been very busy recently, i've got some more pieces if you want ot hear them at all...
  2. hey, havnt been able to talk much on the forum recently but I had a listen to this James and it's great (even in Midi :thumbsup:)! Well done, I look forward to hearing it live.
  3. Actually some people just don't have the time to check out new pieces Tang, one of my songs on here never got a comment! :toothygrin: It happens!
  4. Wilkommen! I'm pretty new hear too, it's a cool place just don't take anything anyone says too seriously! :) Anyway, I am v. impressed with the song, The whole piece has a very summery feel. Quite liked the really quiet whispery vocals tho the reverb/delay on them made it quite difficult to make out what the actual words were! One other niggle is that it felt a tad messy in the synth solo bit in round 2:45. Otherwise I really liked it. How did you record it? Sam
  5. ouch! um..no pain no gain i guess? :whistling: seriously tho more power to you dude, punching him would've only seen you stoop to his moronic level, sounds like you handled it well considering! :)
  6. 0oo this is pretty cool! love the verse (00:34 onwards?) sounds a bit like something The Hush Sound might do in that part. Chorus is nice and memorable. I think there's a slight mistake round the end of the verse (1:08 onwards) the synth voice in the back is playing some notes which don't seem to fit too well. Maybe with actual vocals it'll sound better tho. The first note you hear in that part definately doesn't sound right tho, maybe bring that note up a semi-tone, sounds a bit better (just a suggestion :whistling:) The solo's cool (thought note values seem a little muddled after the trill at 1:44) and I like how the piece doesn't lose any of it's momentum, good song! Any chance of seeing the lyrics? Sam
  7. how do you mean Aleximo?
  8. Hmmm, thesedays though it is particularly difficult not to be stereotyped, even without trying . People will label you with any title regardless as to whether they actually know you or not. :( True, people seem to worry about what other people think of them,(that goes for EVERYONE, me included...occasionaly :P) and it's wrong to change for other people, or as you said Shekhar to conform to socitety's stereotypes, yet it's just as silly to forcefully be 'different'. Why give up something you like just to avoid being stereotyped? Just because you are doing something that lots of other people do doesn't mean you are knowingly 'conforming' to a steroetype. It's just something you like! I like playing games, does this make me a 'geek'? umm no. I play guitar and listen to rock music, am I just another rock god wannabe? Hell No! :whistling: crikey, long post for me there haha!
  9. Sounding good, is that intro riff for lead guitar? Got any ideas for where you want to go with it? (ie got a chorus? etc) Sam
  10. well, now you mention it I do actually have a soundclick page! It's still relitavely new tho but i'll be putting more stuff on it soon lol, if you were to steal my music I would have to hunt you down and beat you with a particularly stale bagette until you were sorry! Let us hope it never comes down to that :santa: Sam Ps. The link to my soundclick is under the thread 'Lumiere' I think ( in the incidental/soundtrack section) if you are interested ;)
  11. :P glad you could hear Mr Uematsus influence in there Fox, yeah I didnt' want the melody to draw too much attention from what is supposed to be a gentle flowing piece of musique! glad it worked ;) Thanks Sam
  12. Nice! I would've thought this would sit nicely in the incidental/soundtrack' section or whatever it's called. (The one directly belowe this section) Infact maybe under 'piano music/solo keyboard' fits this better. Hope that helps ;) Good work btw! liked the music box/celest sounding instrument (they sound the same in Midi at least!) Sam
  13. Hmm can't remember the piece you mentioned from FF6 but having said that I havnt played much of it! Thanks for listening songjun and thanks for the comment, glad you spotted the influence! Since uploading this I've put a melody over the top(my teacher said it needed it) might put it on my soundclick page some time... Thanks again Sam
  14. .... *is isanely envious* :o That is fantastic Marius, kept me on the edge of my seat all the way through. :D Man, I wish I had that type of sound quality to play around with! Sam
  15. Hey Fox, great to see another selft taught composer on here, I am too :shifty: After listening to the credits i'm v.impressed, you havnt neglected any of the instruments, they all flow really well together! You'll probably want someone else to give constructive criticism though, all I can say was that it would fit as the credits really well, builds up to quite an epic feel thanks to the timapni rolls and the way you continually add layers to the music. well done! Sam
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