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About pathetique

  • Birthday 01/01/1980

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  1. I have a question about extracting parts in Sibelius 3. I wrote a symphony with 2 of each woodwind/brass instrument. I don't have two staves for each individual woodwind/brass instrument, (ex. flutes 1 & 2 share a staff). When I extract parts, how do I seperate flutes 1 & 2 from each other and get 2 seperate parts? Right now I just have one part with both flutes' music on it.
  2. My favorite concertos are Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto in E minor and Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 3. I also like Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso by Saint-Saens even though it's not technically a concerto.
  3. pathetique


    There are still some wrong notes in the beginning of the Allegro section in the new recording that you might want to check.
  4. Cool! Thanks for the advice. I chose to call it a sinfonia because, well, I didn't know what else to call it. I wrote the piece before I came up with a name. I guess I was thinking of the string sinfonias by Johann Christian Bach and Mendelssohn and then I checked a music dictionary and one of the definitions of "sinfonia" was "a small symphony", so that's why I called it a sinfonia. Is there another name for this piece that would be appropriate? I also didn't realize that the notes for the viola were so professionally ranged. Oops! I play violin and I used Sibelius to compose so all I did was compose the viola part like it was a violin part. Basically, the notes were fine with me unless they didn't turn red to show that they were too high or too low.
  5. Beethoven's "Pathetique" Sonata hands down!
  6. Piano: Debussy's Feux d'artifice Beethoven's "Emperor" Piano Concerto 3rd mvmt Chopin's "Revolutionary" Etude Violin: Mozart's Violin Conerto No. 5 in A major 1st mvmt
  7. pathetique


    Glad I could help...
  8. pathetique


    Surprisingly, I've played this piece before last year. Coincidentally, it's my favorite piano piece. Here's some advice: 1. Like what everyone else said, really put a lot of emotion into the Grave 2. Make sure you have good fingering for the Allegro because it's impossible to play fast without good fingering. 3. Don't overdo the emotion. No one likes it when people "bang" on the piano. 4. Practice!
  9. Hi everyone. This is my first post, but not my first composition. I think this site is great and there are some very talented composers here. I would like some feedback on my composition. A little bit about this piece: It took me about two weeks to finish it and it's in sonata form with a slow introduction. Sinfonia in C minor.mid
  10. When I first heard this piece, it reminded me of Mozart's Piano Sonata K 311. The beginings of both pieces are way too similar.
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